Hoin. Le Pisooi]ono|)liis lloovcni est la soui« espècc du gonrc où la (|iicii(3 est d e la imiiiie long
u e u r (jue l e li'oiic, caraclèrc qui siiffil pour recouuailro l'espèco au premier coup d'oeil. Du rcsle
elle est voisine du brachysonia, inais s'en i l isl inguc copendanl encore pai- s a lèlo tiolal)leuienl plus
l o n g u e , par d e s rayons de la dorsale et de l'anale beaucoup moins nombreux, [lai- l 'absei ice d'cc
l i a n c r u r c de ses nageoires, pai' le polit nombre des rangées des d é n i s , elc. Je l'ai dédiée à
M . - J . v a n d c r I l o e v e n , le célèbre auteur du Manuel do Zoologie.
Pisoodono'plm hrachysoma Kp, Uebers. Aale, Arcli. ÎSaUirg. XXli. I p. 4 8 ; Calai. Apoil.
F i s b . p. 19; AU. T a b . C LXI I Iig. '•l. Mu r . XVl l l lig. '1.
Pisoodoiiopli. corpore cylinclríicco postico comprc
.•fxo, corpore i
;ipic par
i ejus longitudiiio ; oci
n c^xriioso; naribus posterioribijs
1 producto 3 fere ii
, valdc clongato, altituiline 22 circii
• corporis, 4i/, clrcitcr iu longitudini
"0 ]0 et paulo in longitud i no capitis
iculum ill labio superiore porforatis,
r in ojus longitudine; capito acuto cc
apiccin rostri intor et animi ; altiludi
rostro pnulo longiore qviani basi lat
iiteriorìbus tubulo ociilo bri
pitis; labio superiore ante et post
¡¡bus ¡mlatinis, nasalibus, vomeri)
desincntibus quadri- ad se
s posteriores papilla xilla
; rictu
M dens
sesseriatis; deniibus nasalibus 18 circ, in tliurmani subovanina
tibus palatinis ante apicein laminne dentniii
bin ab apice laminae dentalis vonierinnc spatio edejitulo remotam colloc
maxillaribuslongiore, posiice acuta, in et! io deniibus quinqué- ad sesseriati
nullis; apertura branciihli seniilunari ; cute laevi rugosula; linea laterali
apice subcornea subpuiigente ; pinna dorsali quinta parte capitis longitudi
humiliore, paulo ante apicem caudae desinente, postice panini eniarginntu; pin
¡inali antico in dimidio posteriore 3'" sextac corporis parto incipiente, corpove plus duplo liumiliore, postico oinarginata, t
radiis dorsalibns posticis oppositis; colore cor|iore profunde oliváceo, inferno dilutiore; pinna doi-sali profunde ^'iridi margin
canto; pectoi-alibus analique nigiicantibus.
B 23. D. 304 circ. p. 15, A, 200 circ.
Syn. Ophhurus hrachijsma Blkr, Derde bijdr icbtli. Celebes, Nat. T Ned. Ind. Ili p. 77G; Verb. Bat, Gen. NXV I\li
liab. Celebes (Makassar)
dentali vomerine bmiiiis deiitalibus palatiiiis et infralentibus
iiifVamaxillaribua quadri- ad quinquesoriatis, sympliysi
jlia incipiente, coiispicjia lubiitosa; cauda postico compressa,
post aperluram branchialem incipiente, corpore duplo circitcr
pectoralib capitis;
H e n i . L'espèce acluelle et les Irois (jui s i i ivenl soiil irès-voisincs les unes des a u t r e s , tant par
l e s formes générales du corps, rpie par la denlilitiu cl par l'iuserlion des p r emi e r s rayons de la
d o r s a l e au-dessus des pectorales. On réussit cependant à les dist inguer sal'lisammont en ayant
é g a r d la hauteur relative dti corps, à la longueur de la Iòle, de la q u e u e , des p e c l o r a i e s et do
la ienle de la boucbe, el au nombre, en gros, des rayons des nageoi res . Dans le bracliysoma (¡1
le Scbanpi la longueur de la queue étant notablement moins do 1V4 Ibis celle d u tronc, ces deux
e s p è c e s se distinguent par cela du cancrivorus et du baccidens on le tronc mesure iiolablenienl
[ilus de 1 7 4 fois dans la queue. Du reste le brachysonia se fait reconnaître du Schaapi pai' sou
c o r p s plus raccoui'ci, par s a tète plus pelile, par s a boucbe cl ses pectorales |)lus g r a n d e s , etc.
¡*isooilonophis cancrivoms Kp, UcbcFs. Aale, Arch. ÎSalurgesch. XXII. I |), ; Cal . Apod.
F i s h . p. 1 5 lig. 9 (capul); AU. Tab. CLXXXV lig. 5 . Mur. XLI (ig. 5 (cop. c.\ Dichd.).
D. Kicha.dso
Nasal disk circulE armed with about fifteen crowded fiatdental
surface of the vomer by a membranous line. The vomerine teeth stand
of the dental band, being composed of larger teeth, is wider. Palatine teeth
c i w n s , and disposed so as to form an elliptical dental plate. There are six o
and two or three posteriorly. Tbe dentol plates on the limbs of the lower ja«-
gradually towards tbo corner of the mouth. Tliej- are sci)arat'?d from one ¡mo
jaw projects so much beyond the inandiLilc, that tlie whole nasal disk is ant
closed, the convex dental surface of the foro and of the mandible ajiplies to the
in size, and are larger than the otlier teeth.
The head is conical, tbe snout small and acute, with a thick short tubular n
extreme tip; and having an inclliiation downwards. The ¡.ostorior nostril is i
and is covered by a valve which gi\'cs a doivnward aspect to the opening,
edge of the lip between the nasal openings o
and behind the
is rather small. There are four con.s[)icuoi
of the snout above and before the eye. Tlie
which ru
1 back the gill-opening.s. Pectoral
lindrical, the back carrying
lateral convexity, its extreir
)11 do;vn the tail
val, of moderate
ned teeth, of diifen'nt si:!;es, separated fron the
about fivB abronst Uiroughout, but the anterior part
smaller than the nasal ones, not quite so Hat on the
r seven teeth abreast in the vidcst part of the plate,
contain about five teeth in the middle, and taper,oii
;lmr at the symj.hysia by a smootli line. The ujiper
.;rior to the tip of the hitter; and when the mouth is
anterior vomerine teetli, which correspond with them
nostril on each side of it, but n litUe posterior to the
under the oye, rather on the inner border of llio lip,
A small acute pi.pilln overlies a minute notch on the
or nostril tbero exists a more minute |,apilhi. The eye
ible, several on the under li|,, and three on each side
leli side by about t»cnty four fine longitudinal furrows,
the a
ip being conical. The dorsal commences just behind the b
does also the anal. A slight increase in the breadth of the lin.s takes pla
2 pcctoi'nl, am
list before thethe
extreme point of the tail destitute of rayg, but edged above an<l below "iih a .scarcely perceptible
suddenly slope ofF, leavii
cutaneous seam. The anus
there is no perceptible latei
paler on the belly, and
Syn. OphisurM canawo,u
Ilab. Singapura, Arelii)
n e m . Je n'ai lait que r eprodui r e ici la description de S i r R i c h a r d s o n . Four ce qui regarde
les nombres des d e n t s , il est à observer qu'ils accroissent ordinairemenl, dans les IMsoodonopbis.
a v e c l'âge, de sorte que leur valeur n'esl que relative. L'absence d'une ligne latérale pourrait
bien être caraclérislique pour l'esiièce.
s lilnced at about one-tweiah of the whole length of the fish before the middle. The skin is smooth, and
line. The specimen, after long immersion in spirits, has a dusky brown colour, darker on the back.
ithout spots. B. 33. P. Ití. Length of the fish 24 inehe;
Kich,, Ichtli. Ereb. Terr. p. 97 tab. 50 fig. fi-9.
, Philippin.; Port Essington (Rich.).
10' 5 inche.s Tho gill-opening 2' 6
Pisoodonophis baccidens lilkr, Ail. T a b . C L X X X V l l fig. /(. M u r . X L I I I lig. A (cop. ox Cant .).
Descriptio Cantoriana sequens :
„The "eneral form is thick, heavy; the hfad broad, the muz/.le short, depressed, pointed; the bo<ly cylindrical; the tail gradually
compre.«scd and tapering to a short point. The length of the head, from the muzzle to the anterior orbital margin is •je of, to G1/5
times in the length of the head; the eye. bordering upon the forehead and the lip, occupies the third-eleventh of the length of tho
head; the distance between the anterior orbital margins is I'/j, between tho posterior ones it is 2 horizontal diameters of tlia eye.
The posterior orbital margin is situated a little in front of the angb of the mouth, the distance between which and the muzzle is
contained 3'/» times in the length of the head. On each side of the crown of the head, from between the eyes to the muzzle appears
a series of four distant pores; l)ehind each eye are three such vertically placed on each side, oti the occiput two, along each
, and beneath each branch of the lower jaw six such pores. The upper lip is fleshy, and lax, and
inded outline than it really has. On each side of the symphysis opens the anterior r
side of the upper lip five
gives the symphysis a n
through a voh
5 tube. Tho posterior apertures perforate the lower surface of the lip; they are linear, terminal
out"'ards beneath the anterior anteri
orbital margin, and have a valve on the external margin ; their length is '/j of tlie dii
eye. About midway betwe«
the anterior and posterior apertures appears n small pointed lobulet,
smaller on
behind the posterior apertui
. The middle of tiie lower surface of the point of the muzzle is occupic
1 by
J rounded (
of tho size of tho eye) of globular
eeth, like minute pearls, of which two or three in the centre are
little behind tliis cluster commenc
I tlio teeth of tlie middle line of the palate which resemble the fc
shape of a short dagger. On each :
mence ^ith a narrow interval from
along the internal margin of each band,
point of the muzzle with its teeth and the nasal tubes,
pointed ones; the batid of each brant
floor of tho cavity extenditig but little
the anus S<!,, at tho termination of the dorsal and anal "/,« of the length of the head. All the fin rays are double; those of tho
dorsal and anal undi\'idcd. The rounded pectorals are placed obliquely a little behind the gill-opening; tlieir length is '/, yf the
head; the distance from the muzzle to tbe root of the upper ray is contained 8'/i times in tho total length. The dorsal commences
above the end of the anterior third of the pectorals and terminates rather abruptly at a distance from tho compressed point of the
ig obliquely
neter of the
ister (nearly
!r, and are arranged in the
band of teeth. They comries
3 of tho jaw is an elongated, pointed and backwaixls (
: handle of the dagger and are all globular, except a single set
Twe lower jaw is one diameter of the eye shorter than the u|.
th resemble those of the upper jaw witli
ted by a narrow internil on the symphysis. The ton^
r tho pasterior third of the mouth. Tho vertiail diamc
nal "/lí of the length of the head. All the fin ra;
of minuto pointed teeth
>per, leaving uncovered the
lied in
• 'h.
tail equiil to the diameter of the eye; the largest
The anus opens two diameters of the eye behind the lerinin,
diately behind the anus, and terminates opposite the dorsal
of the occiput, occupying the upper third of tho side till it
of the tail. Beneath it is accompanied by a series of jiores
Head above and back dull greenish olive; lighter
d the distance from the muzzle to
n of tho second fifth of the total length,
lich it resembles in lengtli. The lateral li
iches the anus, from whence it continues
le diameter of the eye distant from cadi c
sides, dotted with brown; throat and abdomei
fins pale olive-grey or white, dotted with brown; dorsiil edged
B, 34 D. 259 to 271. A, 167 to 180. P, 17, Total length 3 feet."
Syn. Opiiiun,! bacchUns Cant , Cat, Mal. Fish, p, 320 tab. 5
Ilab. Singapur«, Pinang, Malacca, in mari.
ith black. Iris golden greenish oliv(
interior orbital n
The fin commences immele
commence from the side
in the middle to the point
greenish- or bluish white;
upil horizontally lanceolate.
Pisoodonop/lis Sc/inapi lip, Uebers. Aale, Arcb. Naturgesch. XXII, 1 p. ••'18; Calal. Apod. Fish,
p. 19; Al l . T a b . C L X l fig. 1. Mur . XVI l fig. 1.
Pisoodon. CO
corpora lai i ore
tis 3'/j circitcr
rioribu.s vix'ai;
inaxillaribus ur
ante et post i
fer disposit
vittam lamhia
posterioribus tr
tnra branchiali
^pora cylindraceo, postico compresso, '
0 et paulo ad in longitudine co
in ijus longitudine; ociilis diametro
)nvexo, SVi ad 6 ciroiter in longiludii
te oculum in labio superiore perforatis, anterioribi
iseriatis bene conspicuis; rictu paulo post oculuii
•OS posteriores papill.i brevi conic.i; maxilla superi«
ilde olongato, altitudine 30 ad 33 in eju;
polis, 3'/« circiter in longitudine apicem
11 ad 12 circiter in longitudine capiiii
Ì C.ìpitis, paulo longiore quam basi lato,
tubulo oculo breviore; poris
produeto 3i/j ad 4 fere in
ibtusis, pluriseriatis; dentibus pahilin
den ti bus nasalibus sat numerosis ti
rugosula; li
.picem vitla,
ribus quadi
dentalis vomerinne et dente!
ialis in thurmam oblongo-c
subattingentem collocatis, ai
2 fere ad 2 in le
•fron tal ibus
ilio longio:
altitudine capiigitudine
rostri ;
3; naribus postesupra
et infralabio
incipiente, bene consp
dentibus ossibus omn
:tingenlibus seriobus G c
dem collocatis; dentibus vomerini
•rioribus quadri- ad quinqueserii
• " ibus; a
tubulis poni