are protected by a granulated skin, like shagreen. The sides of the feet are furnished with
long, white hairs, which curve in over the palms. The (5) toes are very short, equal to each
other in length, and, together with the back of the hands, are covered with hexagonal scales.
The fore-claws are white, nearly straight, broadly linear, and acute, convex above, and flat
underneath. The palms turn obliquely outwards, which causes the fourth claw to project
rather furthest; but the third one measures as much, the second is shorter, and the first and
fifth are equal to each other, and a little shorter than the rest.
The hind-feet are also turned obliquely outwards, and are scaly, with a few interspersed
hairs above, and granulated underneath. The sides are narrow, and present a conspicuous
callous tubercle, posterior to the origin of the inner toe. The hind legs are very short, and
are clothed with soft brown hair, a tuft of which curves over the heel. There are no hairs on
the sides of the hind-feet, like those which form a margin to the fore-ones. The hind-toes are
longer than the fore-ones, and are armed with more slender claws, which are white, awl-
shaped, curved, and acute. They have a narrow groove towards their points underneath.
Length of the head and body * . 4
,, head « « . 1
,) tail . . . 2
„ ,, including the pencil of
hair at its extremity < . 3
„ naked part of the nose, exclusive
of the awl-shaped processes . 0
Breadth of the palm » . . 0
i'ines. - Inches. Lines.
3 Length of the longest fore-claw . 0 3
6 „ hind leg . « 0 2
6 „ from the heel to the
roots of the toes . . . 0 6
' longest hind-toe and claw 0 4£
„ „ ,, claw alone • 0 3
,, fur on the back • 0 5 4T
The condylura longicaudata, described at page 13, has the scales on the feet,
particularly the fore ones, more conspicuous, and with fewer interspersed hairs.
There is a third specimen in the Zoological Museum which was procured at
Mr. Brookes’s sale, which I suppose to be the condylura cristata of D e sm a k e s t , or
the radiated mole of P e n n a n t .
Its colour is between umber and chestnut browns, and its tail is somewhat foursided,
slender, and tapering gradually from the root to the tip, which is terminated
by a small pencil of hairs. The tail is obscurely scaly, and is covered with strong,
short, tapering hairs. It is similar to the other two species in other respects, and
has the same number of processes to its nose with the condylura macrourat
Inches. Lines. ' Inches. Lines»
Length of head and-body . • . 5 3 I Length of the hind-foot, from the heel to
j) the tail . « • 2 6 J the end of the middle-claw . * 1 0
Tlie native place of the specimen is not recorded.