Of the Repulse Bay male specimen."
In c h e s. l in e s .
Length of the head and body . I I 6 3 1 Lingth of longest fore-daw . .
tail . . . . 0 9 ,, of palm and middle-claw
„ fore Jeg from palm to the axilla 1 1 | „ whiskers .
Inches. Lines. 0
. 0 6
1- 4
Specimens from Repulse Bay and from Greenland are preserved in the Museum of the
Edinburgh University.
Of the four lemmings described in the preceding pages, three of them closely
resemble lemmings of the old: continent, described by Pallas, and may be considered
as their American representatives. Thus the Tawny Lemming approaches
the Lapland Lemming ( P a l l . Glir. t. 12. B.) in size, and in the form of its thumbnail.
The latter differs in the colour of its fur, which is more varied, and on the
throat and abdomen is white, whilst (except on the top of the head, where there
are some dark markings) the tawny lemming is of a rusty colour throughout, the
under parts being merely a little lighter than the back.
Back’s Lemming again may be said to represent the Norway Lemming (Op. citat.
t. 12. A.) The latter, however, has the claws of its fore-feet much compressed,
and there are only two points on the end of the thumb-nail, instead of the three
small points which characterise the thumb-nail of the former. The colours of its
fur are also m o r e lively and more agreeably'varied, and its nose, is whitish.
With respect to the Hudson’.* Bay Lemming, I believe no animal has been discovered
in the old world, possessing the singular production of the two middle
fore-claws of that animal.
The Greenland Lemming is most allied to the Ringed Lemming of Siberia (Op. citat.
t. 11. B.) The Siberian animal, however, is of a smaller size, and has an obtuse
nose; and the brown ring round the neck, surmounted by a paler one, whence it
derives the specific appellation of torquatus, does not exist in the American animal.
The hare-tailed mouse (Op. citat. t. 13. A.) agrees with the Greenland lemming,
and also with the ringed lemming, in having a dark, dorsal stripe ; but it may be
readily distinguished from the former of these two, by its smaller size, obtuse nose,
truncated furry tail, a large callus in place of a thumb, and a remarkable moveable
callus on the palm.