Geomys ? talpoides.,
D iplostoma P
Lepus Virginianus.
Equus caballus.
Cervus alces.
,y strongyroceros*
„ macrotis.
Antilope furcifer.
Bos Americanus.
The fur-bearing animals also exist in the belts of wood which skirt
the rivers that flow through the plains; and the wolverene wanders
over them as it does through every part of the northern extremity of
America. The mephitis Americana Hudsonica breeds freely there;
and the raccoon is found on the banks of the Red River which is its
most northern limit.
The following animals are found on the Rocky Mountains :__
Vespertilio subuTatus.
Sorex palustris.
Ursus Americanus.
,y ferox.
Gulo luscus..
Mustela (Putoriusj erminea.
» vison.
| | martes.
}y Canadensis.
Mephitis ?
Lutra Canadensis.
Cams lupus et ejus varietates.
y, (Vulpes) fulvus et ejus varietates.
Felis Canadensis.
Castor fiber, Americanus.
Fiber zibethicus.
Arvicola riparius.
„ xanthognathus.
}9 Noyoboracensis.
„ (Georychus) helvolus.
Neotoma Drummondii.
Mus leucopus.
Arctomys empetra.
yy ? pruinosus.
„ (Spermophilus) Parryi, var. erythrogluteia.
33 33 33 phgeognatha.
33 guttatus ?
33 yy lateralis.
Sciurus (Tamias) quadrivittatus.
,, Hudsonius. ~
Pteromys Sabrinus, var. alpina.
Hystrix pilosus.
Lepus Americanus.
,, glacialis.
Lepus (Lagomys) princeps.
Cervus alces.
, a / !T(Allarge kind of caribou is saidito frequent the moun-l
yy tarandusr < tains, but I have seen no specimens either of the animal
(_or of its horns.)
,, macrotis.
Capra Americana (on the highest ridges.) ■
Ovis m On tan a (on the eastern side of the ridge.)
BOS AmericanUS (in particular passes only.)
The country lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific
is in general more hilly than that to the eastward ; but there are some
wide plains on the upper arms of the Columbia which have much of
the character of the plains of the Missouri and Saskatchewan, and are
inhabited by the same kind of animals. In particular the ursus ferox,
cams latrans, canis cinereo-argentatus, the braro (perhaps meles Labra-
doria), cervus macrotis var. /3. Columbiana, cervus leucurus, and
aplodontia leporina, are enumerated by Lewis and Clark. Mr.
Douglas also observed the condylura macroura, and several species of
Felis and of Geomys and Diplostoma in that quarter. The sea-coast
at the mouth of the Columbia is frequented by a species of fox very
like the European one, or the red-fox of the Atlantic states of America,
The Arctomys brachyurus and the Arctomys Douglasii also inhabit
the banks of the Columbia; and the Arctomys Beecheyi, a species
nearly allied to the latter, is found in the adjoining parts of California.
The bison are supposed to have found their way across the mountains
only very recently, and they are still comparatively few in numbers,
and confined to certain spots.