pale bluish-gray. The margins of the mouth, sides of the nose, cheeks, and whole ventral
aspect of the body are white, with in some parts a slight tinge of buff colour, particularly on
the under surface of the flying-membrane. The tail is depressed, slightly convex on its
upper surface, -but quite flat or even somewhat channelled beneath. It is broadest about an
inch from the body, and then tapers gradually but slightly towards the extremity, which is
rounded. The flattened form is given to the tail, not so much by the distichous arrangement
of the hair, as by the fur on its sides being much longer than that on its upper surface.
Its colour above is nearly that of the back, with an intermixture, however, of black hairs ;
beneath it has a bright buff colour.
The extremities are small. The fore-ones are connected withthe flying-membrane down
to the wrist, and the feet are hairy both above and below. There are four taes on iheiore-
feet, which are short, and the claws are small, compressed, curved, sharp-pointed, and white.
Under their roots there is a compressed callus projecting from the end of eachfpe. The third
toe is the longest, then the second, next to it the outer one, and lastly the inner one ; but the
difference of length betwixt them is not great. There is a flat callus in place of, a thumb,
armed with a very minute nail. There are five hind-toes, of which the inner one is the
shortest, then the outer one, and the remaining three are nearly equal to eadh other. The
claws resemble those of the fore-feet, and are almost concealed by the hair of the-toes. The
soles are covered with a dense brush ;of soft white fur like the feet of a rabbit or hare.
D im e n s io n s
Of the skin of a Lake Huron specimen.
Inches. Lines. 'Inches. Lines-
Length of the head and body . ;7 9 Length of the hind-sole, middle toe and
,, head . '2 0 daw ’ . • . . . . 1 4
„ tail, (vertebrae) . 4 0 Greatest breadth of the tail .. . 1 ■■9
„ . tail including fur 5 0 Width from margin of one dying-membrane
. „ fore palm, middle-toe,
| daw . . . .» *
. 0 9
to the-margin of the opposite one . 4 0