25'. Fossil Crocodileans and Chelonian.
26. Footsteps on Red Sandstone near Dumfries.
26'. Footsteps on Red Sandstone at Hessberg, (Double Plate.)
26". Hind footstep of Chirotherium on Sandstone from Hessberg.
26'". Footsteps of some unknown Reptile on Sandstone from
26a Several species of Ornitbichnites on Sandstone in the valley
of the Connecticut, (Double Plate.)
26b- Ornithichnites Giganteus, on Sandstone from Connecticut.
27. Scales, Jaw, and Teeth of fossil Fishes.
27a- Recent and fossil Sauroid Fishes.
27b- Fish from the Coal Formation at Saarbriick.
27c- Fish from the Oolite Formation.
27d- Jaws, Teeth, and Spine of Recent and Fossil Sharks.
27e- Teeth on the Palate of Acrodus nobilis.
27f- Teeth of Ptychodus polygyrus.
28. Pens and Ink Bag of recent and fossil Loligo.
29. Fossil Pens and Ink Bags of Loligo, from the Lias.
30. Large fossil Pen of Loligo, from the Lias.
31. Nautilus Pompilius with its animal ; and Rhynchohtes.
32. Chambers and Siphuncle of Nautilus Hexagonus.
33. Chambers and Siphuncle of Nautilus Striatus.
34. Animal of Nautilus Pompilius.
35. Exterior of Ammonites Obtusus.
36. Chambers and Siphuncle of Ammonites Obtusus.
37. Various forms of Mechanism to strengthen Ammonites.
38. Lateral view of Ammonites Heterophyllus.
39. Longitudinal view of Ammonites Heterophyllus.
40. Ammonites Henslowi ; A. Nodosus ; A. Sphæricus, and A.
41. Chambers of Ammonites Giganteus.
42. Chambers and Siphuncle of Nautilus and Ammonite.
43. Nautilus Sypho, and N. Zic-Zac.
44. Chambered Shells allied to Nautilus and Ammonite.
44'. Illustrations of the Genus Belemnosepia.
44". Ink Bags of Belemnosepia.
45. Trilobites and recent animals allied to them.
46. Various forms of Trilobites.
46'. Fossil Scorpions from the Coal formation in Bohemia.
46". Fossil Limulus, Arachnidans, and Insects.
47. Apiocrinites, and Actinocrinites.
48. Fragment of a Lily Encrinite, Encrinites Moniliformis.
49. Stem of Encrinites Moniliformis dissected.
50. Body of Encrinites Moniliformis dissected.
51. Briarean Pentacrinite, from the Lias at Lyme Regis.
52. Recent and fossil Pentacrinites.
53. Briarean Pentacrinite from the Lias, (Double Plate.)
54. Recent Corals with their Polypes.
55. Fossil Tree (Lepidodendron Sternbergii) from a Coal mine
in Bohemia.
56. Remains of Plants of extinct families, from the Coal forma
56a> Highly magnified sections of Coniferse.
57. Remains of a subterranean Forest on the coast of Dorset.
58. Cycas Revoluta producing Buds.
59. Zamia Pungens, and sections of recent Zamia and Cycas.
60. Trunk and transverse section of Cycadites Megalophyllus.
61. Trunk and sections of Buds and Petioles of Cycadites Microphyllus.
62. Sections of Petioles of recent and fossil Cycadese.
63. Fossil fruit of Podocarya, and recent Pandanese, (Double
64. Remains of fossil Palms, from Tertiary strata.
65. Sections illustrating the structure and disposition of Coal
66. Sections illustrating the Silurian and Carboniferous systems;
and part of the Newcastle Coal field.
67. Sections illustrating the origin of Springs, and the disposition
of Metallic Veins.
68. Sections shewing the cause of the rise of water in Artesian
Wells in the Basin of London.
69. Sections illustrating the Theory of Artesian Wells.
Total number of Plates 87. Total number of figures 705.