Voltzia, genus of conifer® in new red
sandstone, i. 485.
Watchet, nacre of ammonites preserved
in lias at, i. 376.
Waters, not created on the third day of
Mosaic cosmogony, i. 26 ; sources of
mineral and thermal in faults, i. 569.
Water, its rank in geological dynamics,
i. 36; supplied to springs by stratified
rocks, i. 70 ; its agency in preserving
organic remains, i. 127; circulation
of in metallic veins, i. 546;
perpetual circulation and functions
of, i. 557, 558. '
Watt, his experiments on crystallization
of bodies cooled slowly, i. 41.
Webster, Mr., section prepared by, ii. 2.
Weinböhla, sienite, intersecting and
overlying chalk at, ii. 5.
Weis, Professor, his account of bones of
megatherium, i. 160; his belief that
the megatherium had armour, i. 161.
Wells, causes of rise of water in, i. 561.
Werner, his theory of the formation of
stratified rocks, i. 44; of veins, i. 551.
Wheatstone, Prof.,on crystals produced
by electro-chemical action, i. 552.
Whewell, Mr., his view of the nebular
hypothesis, i. 40.
Whitby, ammonites from, i. 339.
Wieliezka, salt in tertiary formation, i.
Winds, effect in causing undulations
during the formation of stone in Portland,
i. 495; effect in forming strata
in Bermudas and in Cornwall, i. 197.
Witham, Mr., his publications on fossil
conifer®, i. 484, 485, 488.
Worm holes, fossil, i. 260.
Yarrell, Mr., on the vision of birds,
i. 173.
Zamia pungens, mode of inflorescence.
i. 494.
Zamia spiralis, buds on trunk of, i. 500.
Zamia horrida, section of trunk of, i. 497.
Zeiten, M.,his description of fossil pens
and ink bags in Wirtemberg, i. 308.
Zoology, study of, indispensable to geology,
i. 111.
C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.