r. Os transversum.
s. Os palatinum.
t. Processus palatinus maxillse superioris.
v. Pars angularis inferior maxillse inferioris.
w. Pars angularis superior.
x. Pars condyloidea.
y. Pars complementaria, Cuv. (coronalis, auctor.)
z. Os hyoideum.
I. Atlas.
II. Epistropheus.
I l l—VII. Vertebrse colli.
VIII—XXII. Vertebrse dorsi.
XXIII. XXIV. Vertebrse lumborum.
XXV. XXVI. Os sacrum.
XXVII. Ossa coccygea.
XXVIII. Sternum.
1—15. Costse.
16. Scapula.
17. Os coracoideum.
18. Ilium.
19. Os pubis.
20. Os ischium.
21. Humerus.
22. Ulna.
23. Radius.
24. Carpus.
25. Os metarcarpi primum s. pollicis.
26. O. m. secundum.
27. O. m. tertium.
28. O. m. quartum.
29. O. m. quintum.
30, 31. Phalanges pollicis.
32—34. Ph. indicis.
35—38. Ph. digiti medii.
39—43. Ph. digiti annularis.
44—47. Ph. digiti auricularis.
48. Femur.
49. Tibia.
50. Fibula.
51. Tarsus.
52—56. Metatarsus.
57, 58. Phalanges digiti primi.
59—61. Ph. d. secundi.
62—65. Ph. d. tertii.
66—70. Ph. d. quarti.
71—74. Ph. d. quinti.
£ Impressions of the membrane of the wing ? *
P late 22. V. I. p. 221.
A. Restoration of the Skeleton of Pterodactylus erassirostris.
B. Fore foot of a Lizard. (Cuvier.)
C. Restoration of the right fore foot, or right hand of
Pterodactylus crassirostris. (Goldfuss.)
D. The right fore foot, or hand of P. longirostris. (Cuvier
and Soemmerring.)
E. The Fore foot of P. macronyx. (Buckland, Geol.
Trans. Lond. 2d Ser. Vol. 3. PI. 27.)
F. The Hind foot of a Lizard. (Cuvier, Oss. Foss. Vol.
V. Pt. II. PI. XVII.)
G. Right foot of P. crassirostris, as conjecturally re-
* Professor Agassiz considers that the Corrugations on the surface
of the Stone (5), which Dr. Goldfuss supposed to be the impressions
of Hairs, or Feathers, are only casts of the minute foldings of the
contracted membrane of the wing. It is probable that Pterodactyles
had a naked skin, like the Ichthyosaurus; (See PI. 10. A.) because
the weight of scales would have encumbered their movements in
the air.
G. II . D