sigillariain his coal mines of at Else-
car, i. 470.
Fleming, Dr., on structure of internal
shell of sepia, ii. 68; his observations
on fishes in old red sandstone,
i. 277.
Flints, origin of, i. 90.
Flucan, beneficial effects of in mining,
i. 546.
Fluidity, original, theory of, i. 40.
Footsteps, fossil, near Dumfries, i. 259;
preservation of explained, i. 260; on
red sand stone at Hessberg, i. 263 ;
value of their evidence, i. 262 ; reflections
on, i. 263 ; on oolite, near
Bath,’probably of crustaceans, i. 260;
recent, of testudo graeea, i. 261.
Foraminifers, species of found by Count
Munster, and Mr. Lonsdale, ii. 64.
Forest, subterranean, remains of in
Portland, i. 495, 496.
Formations, geological, number and
thickness of, i. 37.
Forster, Mr., his section from N ewcastle
to Cross Fell, i. 64; on quantity of iron
annually made in England and
Wales, i. 530.
Fox. Mr. R. W., on the utility of faults
that intersect metallic veins, i. 546;
on electro-magnetic properties of mineral
veins, i. 552, and vol. ii. p. 108 ;
on electro-magnetic action in mineral
veins, ii. 107—109.
Freshwater, deposits from, in tertiary
strata, i. 79.
Fries, on propagation of fungi, i. 447.
Fucoids, remains of in transition strata,
i. 63, 452.
Fulham, Artesian wells at, i. 564.
Fusion, earliest state of the materials of
the globe, i. 55.
GALLiBis,skeletons of, at Guadaloupe,
i. 104.
Ganoidian, order of fishes, i. 269.
Genesis, ungrounded fear of inconsistence
with, i. 11 J interpretation of
Chap. I. consistent with geological
discoveries, i. 21; text of, reconcilable
with geology, i. 33.
Geology, extent of province of, i. 5 ;
why but lately established on inductio
n ,!^ ; sciences auxiliary to it, i. 7 ;
its discoveries consistent with revelation,
i. 8 ; religious application of, i.
592; subserviency of to natural theology
,593 ; proofs from,of the existence
and attributes of a Deity, i. 594.
Georgensgemiind, fossil mammalia discovered
at, i. 91.
Gerard, Dr., his discovery of ammonites,
&c. in the Himmalaya, i. 335.
Glaris, turtle in slate of, i. 257 ; fossil
fishes at, i. 266,273.
Gleig, Bishop, his interpretation of
Mosaic cosmogony, i. 28—30.
Globe, successive changes in surface
o f.i.ll ; influence of animal remains
upon, i. 445 ; succession of physical
forces which have modified its surface,
i. 581.
Golden Cap Hill, belemnites at base
of, i. 377.
Goldfuss, Professor, pterodactyles described
by, i. 224,228, 229; selections
of the structure of encrinites
•from works of, 426 ; his illustrations
of echinidans and stelleridans, i. 415.
Graham Island, rise and destruction
of, ii, 8.
Grampus, size and character of, i. 217.
Granite, recent elevation of, in Pyrenees
and Chili, i. 549; probable
igneous origin of, ii. 3 ; intersecting
and overlying cretaceous formations,
ii. 5 ; older intersected by newer, ii.
4 ; elevation of during tertiary period,
ii. 4; fragments of, inclosed in lava,
ii. 7.
Gravatt, Mr., his experiments in diving,
i. 180.
Graveneire, stream of lava issuing from
granite at, ii. 8.
Greenock,Lord, his discovery of fishes
near Leith, i. 278; his discovery of
petrified intestines of a fish in coal,
near Edinburgh, i. 199.
Greenstone, veins and overlying masses
of, ii. 5.
Grenville, Lord, cycas in conservatory
of, i. 493.
Guadaloupe, human skeletons in sandbank
at, i. 104.
Gyrodus, palatal teeth of, i. 281.
Hall, Sir James, his experiments on
crystallization under pressure, i. 41.
Halstadt, orthoceratite,found in oolite
at, i. 363.
Hamite,character and locality of, i. 367.
Harlan, Dr., on fossil fucoids in North
America, i. 452,
Harwich, fossil emys at, i. 258.
Haiiy, his theological inference from
the construction of simple minerals,
i. 576.
Hawkins, Mr., his memoirs of ichthyosauri
and plesiosauri, i. 170; plesiosaurus
discovered by, i. 204.
Heat, influence of, in causing elevations
of land, i. 42 ; not the sole
cause of the consolidation of stratified
rocks, i. 56.
Henderson, on plants in Surturbrand of
Iceland, i. 510.
Henslow, Professor, on buds of cycas
revoluta, i. 500.
Hdricart de Thury, illustration of Artesian
wells by, i. 562, 565.
Herschel.Sirl.F.W., ranks geology next
to astronomy, i. 10 ; on connection
between science and religion, i. 590.
Hessberg, footsteps in sandstone at, i.
Hibbert, Dr., his discoveries near Edinburgh,
i. 275, 276.
Hippopotamus, structure of tusks of, i.
Hitchcock, Professor, his discovery of
footsteps of birds in Connecticut, i.
86; ditto, ii. 39, 40; on geological
evidences of a Creator, i. 586; on
consistency of geological phenomena
with Mosaic account of creation,i.587.
Hoer in Scania, coal in secondary
strata of, i. 491.
Hoffmann, Professor, on source^of mineral
waters at Pyrmont, i. 570.
Hythe, large hamite found at, i. 368.
Icthyodorulites, or fossil spines, i. 288 ;
uses and variety of, i. 290.
Ichthyosaurus, geological extent and
chief localities of, i. 168; curious
structure of, i. 169 ; number of species,
Home, Sir Everard, on spinal canal of
icthyosaurus, i. 179.
Hook, Dr., his theory respecting the
motions of nautilus, i. 331.
Hopkins, Mr., on laws that have regulated
the disturbances of the globe,
i. 540 ; on production of springs by
faults, i. 560.
Human bones, found in no geological
formations preceding the actual era,
i. 103 ; often interred in caves containing
remains of more ancient animals,
i. 105 ; found in consolidated
sand at Guadaloupe, i. 104; how
mixed with bones of ancient and
modern quadrupeds, i. 105 ; in caverns
near Liege, 597.
Hutton,Dr., his theory of the formation of
stratified rocks, i. 44; of veins, i. 551.
Hutton,Mr., his discoveries of vegetable
structure in coal, i. 455.
Hybodonts, extent of, i. 287, 288.
Hybodus, i. 283
Hybodus reticulatus, i. 289.
Hydraulic action, of siphuncle in nautilus,
i. 326; ditto in ammonites, i.
351; ditto in belemnites, i. 381.
11 venus, bones collected by, in caverns,
i. 94.
Hylaeosaurus discovered by Mr. Man-
tell, i. 241 ; peculiar character of,
i. 241.
i. 169 ; head, partaking of the
character of crocodiles and lizards, i.
171; jaw, length of, i. 171; teeth, character
and number of, i. 171 ; how
differing from crocodiles, i. 171 ; contrivances
for replacing, i. 172 ; eyes,
magnitude of, i. 173; eyes, microscopic
and telescopic properties of, i.
173 ; eyes, bony sclerotic of, i. 174,
175 ; jaws, composed of many thin
plates, i. 175; jaw, lower, contrivances
in, i. 176, 177; vertebra,
number of, i. 177 ; vertebra constructed
like those of fishes, i.
178 ; ribs, structure of, and to what
purpose subservient, i. 180; sternum
like that of ornithorhynchus, i. 181 ;
paddles, anterior, like those of
whales; posterior, like those of ornithorhynchus,
i. 182,183; concluding
remarks upon, i. 185, 186; intestinal
structure of, i. 187; skeleton of, containing
coprolite, i. 191 ; small intestine
spiral, like that of sharks and
rays, i. 193 ; final cause of spiral
intestinal structure, i. 195; skin of
preserved, ii, 22; mechanism of atlas
and cervical vertebrae of, ii. 24—26.
Igneous rocks, various phenomena of,
ii. 5—9.
Iguana, modern, habits of, i. 242: dentition
of, i. 248.
Iguanodon, discovered by Mr. Mantell,
i. 240; remains of, where found, i.
241; a gigantic herbivorous reptile,
i. 241 ; teeth like those of the modern
iguana, i. 241; the largest of
known fossil reptiles, i. 241, 244 ;
climate indicated by remains of, i.
243; teeth, peculiar character of, i.
245_248 ; bony horn on the nose of,
i. 244 ; food of, probably tough vegetables,
i. 246.
Indusiae, fossil in fresh water formation
of Auvergne, i. 118.
Infusoria, Ehrenberg’s observations on,
446—448; number of species described,
i. 446 ; their powersof reproduction,
i. 446; their manners of increase,!.
447 ; universal diffusion of,
i. 448 ; found fossil, i. 599.
Injection of igneous rocks at various
periods, ii. 6.
Ink bags,recent and fossil of loligo,i.303.