Plate 2.
I I .
I Î .
' 5 -
E R R A T A , VOL. I.
Sprlngalia, lege, Sprengilia. Bloff. one leaf, read, one petal.
P e i i . 4-valvis, 4-locul. 1. 5-val. 5-I0C. S. V . 4 val. 4 cells, r. 5 val. 5 cells.
Cor. 3equila, 1. xqual'ta. Emp. Sheath, r. Sheaths.
C a l y x , multifiorium, 1. multiflorum.
Calyx, dkiduis, 1. dtcidms. Statu, acumenatae, 1. acuminata.
Sp. Ch. poft rofeis, inf. (,).
Ord. I I . r. IV. Seeds, become, r. hecames.
Emp. cup, T.Jheath. Poin. put (,) after beneath.
Standard, cut, r. cup.
Sem. acunienat3e, 1. acum'maix.
Bloff. after fpreading, put (,). No. 2 of R | f . put (Mt) before chives.
Sp. Ch. poft plenis, inf. (,).
Ord. I I . r. IV.
Line 6th of Defer, leave out (not).
Ord. I I . r. IV.
Bloff. one leaf, r. ompetal-, divided into fix, r. dhifl^ns.
Stam. poft fubulata, inf. (,).
Emp. fruit-ftalics, r.fruH-Jlall.
Defer, line id, for makes an addition to, r. ^akes one o f .
O W I N G to the extended and liberal encouragement experienced by the
Author, in his publication of the coloured Engravings of H E A T H S , now
far advanced; and being willing to avail himfelf of the moment in which
every branch of the Science of BOTANY is moil particularly patronized;
he has undertaken this work, with the hopes (if its merits lhall deferve it,)
his endeavours, in this his fécond eiTay, may meet with fmiilar fuccefs.
The Drawings from which the Engravings will be made, fliall all be
taken from living fpecimens, by the Author ; and the dilfecfion made
whilll the flower is frefli, that the true charafters, of the parts of frudification,
may be the better afcertained.
On each Plate will be given the Diiîeélions as taken in the drawings,
numbered in reference to the Letter-prefs; the whole coloured to imitate
drawings, as near as fuch a work will admit.
The appropriate Charadcrs of every plant will be in Latin and Englifli;
the detail in Englifli only. As the fexual fyftem of Linnasus is the
only one that will be confidered in this work, the greateft regard will
be had not to deviate from his principles, or arrangements, as to Clafs,
Order, Generic or Specific Characters. All matter neceflary to illuftrate
the fubjeél, fuch as name, native place of growth, time of flowering,
and culture, Avill be added.
The Letter-prefs will be printed by T . BENSLEY, on a fine wove
Paper, Quarto fize, to correfpond Avith the Engravings, of which each
Number will contain Three ; the price Two Shillings and Sixpence.
When a fuflicient number fliall be publifhed to form the Firil Volume,
an engraved Title-page, &c. will be given gratis, to complete them for
In entering upon a Work, which is defigned chiefly to confift of thofe
Plants which have been the latefl; introduced to this kingdom ; it has
been thought fit, in giving a fpecimen of it in the firft Number, to figure
an old, but very rare, Alpine, which from its fcarcity (to moft cultivators)
mull at leafl; be a new face, although the name may be familiar to
many; that in the continuation, when a plant of equal rarity and beauty
fliall prefent itfelf, the purchafers may not think it a deviation from the
original plan.