IN thecourfe of printing this work, fome few .inaccuracies have
efcaped the Author’s obfervation it is neceflary to remark the following
Page 13. I. 3, from bottom, for a Mr. Wright, read Dr. Wright.
From this gentleman, who is lately returned to the Weft Indies, many
more valuable difcoveries in Botany may be expeifted.
Page 3 0 .1. 5, from bottom, for 46 read 36.
Page 3 8 .1. 15, for Beavais read Beauvois.
In page 39. I. 19. after the word lions, add the following note:
“ Meaning the Puma, fometimes called the American lion_a very
different Ipecies from the common lion,”