Stipulce utrinque binse, minutce, acittse.
Panicula terminalis, patens, trichotoma. Peduiiculi et
pedicelli leviter tomentofi: Pedicelli uniflori;
Bractea minuta ad bafin et in medio pedicelli..
Calyx margo fuperus, quinquedcntatus: dentibus bre-
Corolla vix unguicularis, extus toftieritolk: ldciniis
acutis, intus lanatis, tubo brevioribus.
Filamenta tubo breviora. Antherae longitudine tubi.
Germen tomentofum. Stigma apice incraflatum fub-
Capfula oblonga, glabra, iemipollicaris, lineis obfcuris
The plate here given of the Cinchona officinalis Lin.
appeared fome years ago annexed to a publication entitled
De ufo e abufo das Minhas agoas de Inglaterra,
Londres, 1756, by Jacob de Caftro Sarmento—but
without its hrftory, or any account of i t : and it is fome-
what extraordinary how it came into the publifher’s pof-
feffion. It feems to be very little known, and has not been
quoted by an-y author, I believe, except Dr, Pulteney, in
his Diff. de Cinchona, and who informed jne that his
figure was communicated to him by Dr. Hope of Edinburgh.—
Mr. Hawkins, now living atDorchefter,Dorfet.
a contemporary of Sir Hans Sloane, and with whom he
lived for fome time in the latter part of his life, was To
obliging as to favour me with ani'mpreffion of this plate,
accompanied with the following letter. He alfo favoured
me with an account of the Cinchona by Condamine, and
which feems the fame already publifhed by Condamine
himfelf in the French Tranfedtions.
Mr, H A W K I N S ’ S L E T T E R .
Dorchefter, 0 &- 12, 1795.
I r e c e i v e d the favour of yours, and in return fhall
give you all the information I am able concerning the
Cinchona. The fpecimens which I made the drawing
from came inclofed in a large quantity of the bark, fe-
veral pieces of wopd with the bark on, and branches o f
the leaves in flower and feed, packed up in a cow or oxhide,
as a prefent from Monf. Condamine (then refiding
in Peru) to Dr. Cromwell Mortimer, Correfponding Secretary
to the Royal Society in the year 1740. The fpecimens
were in a dried crumpled ftate, which I expanded
by means of warm water, in order to complete the drawing.
The plate was engraved at the expence of the Royal
C 2 Society,