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dinefs in a fhort time difappears, and they affirm its virtues
are not at all leffened by fuch an accident. The
price it fetches at Guayuil is is. 3d. per pound, while the
common fort fells at is.
Tecamez Bark is ufed for all diforders in which the common
Peruvian Bark is found ferviceable; but it is imagined
to poflefs a peculiar efficacy in removing indigef-
tion, weaknefs of the ftomach, arid in reftoring a debilitated
conftitution. It is alfo faid to be powerful in repelling
all tendencies to mortifications, and to be highly-
ferviceable in feminal weakneffes and gleets—a complaint
to which the inhabitants of South America are not
a little fubjedt.
The mode of giving Tecamez Bark is various, ‘and depends
in a great meafure upon the difeafe for which it is
prefcribed. As it fits eafy upon the ftomach and creates
little or no naufea, it may be exhibited in any form that is
raoft agreeable. A Surgeon of great eminence told me the
beft mode of ufing it was in a cold infufion. He poured
fixteen ounces of cold water over one ounce of the Bark
coarfely powdered, and let it ftand four hours. He fome-
times fimmered it afterwards over a flow fire for ten minutes,
and,having ftrained the decodtion,added two ounces
of fpirits, and gave three table fpoonfuls occafionally. But
very often he omitted boiling it, and, having added the
fame quantity o f fpirits, gave the cold infufion as I have
£ 2 Such