Society, has been fince loft, and cannot be ‘found, as Sir
Jofeph Banks told me when in London.—Alfo were included
in the fame parcel fpecimens o f the plant with the
three leaves along-fide of the main ftalk, as reprefented
in the drawing * you had before of me with the kidney-
fhape feed, and which is defcribed by Monf. Condamine in
the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences in his account
there of the Jefuits Bark; which was firft ufed for curing
intermittents before the prefent was known. I wifli
the above may prove of ufe to you.
I am, Dear Sir,
Your moft obedient, humble Servant,
J. H A W K I N S .
* The drawing, with its defcription, was by me prefented to the Linnsean
Society, and will appear in the 3d vol. of their Tranfa&ions.