and gavé its Botanical Characters with the necef-
fary degree of precifion.
Since that period fo greatly has the fcience
of Botany been enriched by. the difcoveries of
Naturalifts, that no lefs than twelve fpecies of
Cinchona are now found to exift. Of thefe, fome
of the principal have been excellently defcribed
by Profeffor Vahl of Copenhagen, of whofe Dif-
fertation on the fubject we here give a tranfla-
tion ; with the addition of other fpecies fince
difcovered ; accompanied by figures taken from
the fpecimens themfelves, preferved in the Herbarium
of Sir Jofeph Banks, and aflifted by drawings
in his pofleffion.
By this means perfons refiding in thofe parts
of the world in which any fpecies of the genus
nus may occur, will be enabled to afcertain,
whether what they have difcovered be new,
or already defcribed; and thus the moll; inte-
refting additions may probably be made to the
medical treafures we at prefent pofiefs in this
highly important genus.'