bach has observe*}, and in sopic Europeans it is scarcely if
at all greater than in Africans,, The difference between Negro
skulls in this particular was noticed by Blumenbach in thyee
crania represented in his first decade. In his work on the
varieties of the human genus,. h,e remarks,.that the facial an-
|p s has the same capacity in .the skull|of a Pole and of a
Congo Negror- A little greaterlprotrusion o£(tjae alveolar process
gives to this a®gl^a vefy different extent, and it is-by
no means a measure, M Camperssthpught, of the capacity of
the cranium and the amplitude of the brain.
Berthold has represented; the fqrjn ,pf % skul}}Wfhich he considers
as that, of a strongly characterised Negro, and particularly
adverts to the configuration of the upper'maxillary bone.*
He describes this bone as h cw ^v e ry long andbroad, and in
that, part which reaches from the septum nariu® to the in**
cisor teeth remarkably prominent. ^I^e, alyeolar process
projects from the body of the maxilla in .th e . shape of a
bow. spndern vielmehr ei;n wirkliches
bogen.” The passage, into the nasal bones is no,t only
rounded .off, but smoothed. over, forming a sulcus bounded
by two margins. The anterior septum projects.. very little.
The jugal process of the jaw describes with, its under surface
an arch equal to two-fifths of a •circle. .:
4. The zygoma is large in the Negro, but the projection is
forward and downward, not lateral Or .outward as in the Kal-
m u k : nor has it that circular sweep which it displays in the
5. A curious instance of approximation to the structure
of the cranium of the troglodyte has.. been noted by Mr.
Owen in several Negro skulls, and in one skull of .an Australian
savage. This is the juncture of the temporal and par-
rietal bones, and consequently the complete separation of the
sphenoid from the parietal, which in European and in most
African skulls meet for the space of nearly half an inch, a
process of the sphenoid bone extending upwards to join the
lower anterior angle of the parietal.
* Beytrage zur Anatomic, Zootomie and PhysiolOgie von A. A. Berthold
Goett, 1831.