“ The hair is black even in new-born children, and I havé
never seen an exception to this fact among the Mongoles and
Kalmuks. I have however information of one instance in a
little Kalmuk girl, five years of age: to a physiognomy entirely
Mongole, she united hair decidedly flaxen. I have been
assured that there are likewise among the saffie people instances
of brown hair. Among the Bouriaets I perceived one
individual whose hair was of this shade; but these instances
are so rare, that they should scarcely be taken into consideration.
Moreover, nearly all the children produced by marriages
of Russians with the Bouriaet women, have .pitch-black
hair, and resemble their fathers in that respect as well as. in
their features; these children are called Kargaie, in 4thë
country of Selinginsk, and Daouxia.
“ In all the nations of Mongolian race, the men, even
when arrived at their full developement, have the beard less
thick than the European and Tartar nations, I t is. also
slower in its growth: although thicker among the Kalmuks
than the Other tribes, it is still thin antTscanty seven with
them. They generally wear small moustaches,. .and,, sometimes
a small tuft of hair under the lowra?. lip. Old; 'men
alone, particularly if they are monks or ecclesiastics, besides
the moustaches at the corners of the lips and the patch on
the lower lip, have some thin tufts on the chin do the turn of
the n e ck ; all the Others are carefully^ plucked. They
have seldom hair upon their bodies, because during their
youth it is plucked by their mothers. The women douthe
same to themselves, except some places which- they leave
Many of the nations who partake of the physical characters
of the Mongolians, are nomadie tribes.. As however the
principal character .by which this class is constituted is the
form of the head and skeleton, I shall leave any further
remarks that may be requisite on the extent and distribution
of "these nations to a future'section of the present
work, and hasten to conclude this article with a brief description
of the sea-faring race, who Constitute the most remote
branch of the Turanian nations.
A certain resemblance in habits and Customs seems tcreonnect
the E s q u i m a u x M . Lesson >has-observed, with the
SamoteMéé^ andl the Ostiaks, and even w ith !h e inhabitants
;o'f Kamtschatka, and»Uhe ^Aléputig*®; islands.
hommes de eëtte’ raÔe$ saysMhe same writer,
É ont-nne taille'’qui me dépassé* quatre pieds-six
ou huit- pouces';t’ -'iLear corpse est trfapp^-sans* ê tre .^ ra s ;
leurs jambès s ont? ^àeéeur ^ droites ; et., très
tfotfee^lleur têtejfestim^ondjeMpt .d’un^yplume
poùr paraître peu en lapppi?t^ ctirPs'
Le visage a'céla de remarquable' d-\êtrp.^ge,S,tWr^ et
tverS'- le front! «L ë îi* ^ ë ^ 'e ^ t^ |^ ^ é ,,^ a ^
les «pommettes sont fort | | | \ ^ $ '] La bom:e^#; mst »grande^,les
cheveux sont plats eidüèirs!, n a tu fe llem ^B ^ ^ J^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ 8' ’
b a r b e ' r a r e . Fabriqi^ F a fo 6 Groenland,
avbit déjà d it: ‘ On à remarqa# nord>
avaient un-,«teiht^plas'<bla|àCV^T#e>.<%iyefer.e
à mesuré'! qu’on s’jsia:U.GA1yersfdefe mlimats plus .froids, ffiajs
p a r exception, les'habitants des envjfoni polaire,
vfëM ' quêl% # :iLapons, les :Saan@ï#e^ sont . de|pe1jt^h©imnes
trësPbruns de peau, à cheveux e t barbe,trèsi i^irsi v La uatuae
p k ç l près.d’eux, fet^par u®>s^#ei* contraste, les grands, f<gt
lymphatiques fimtf?, et- près des. Q r a e p la n d p i^ s , blonds
Islandei^ plüs' méridionaux:.? La edufeur de&^Lisquimaui^t
emeffet:d’uffijaune raugë&tre^lëfA
W é shall have occasion té*-observe that .the.skujls ofthe
Esquimaux à&'well as -?©f'many circumpolar tribes, bripg
them into the same class of human raèes with the Kalmuk
and other Turanian nations. ,