tilled from the leaves of an indigenous tree.. These they prefer
to fire-arms, aS weapons Which make no report.1 On their
return from thUebaee, they feast till they become drowsy; and
hunger only rouses theiU-to renewed exertion* In seasons of
scarcity they devour Wild roots, ants’ eggs, locusts, snakes.
As enemies the Bushmen are not to he despised. Their language
seems to consist of snapping, hifesifig, grunting sounds,
all more or less nasal.”
C H A P T E R V.
S ection V&i+General views: dwev&ities in the form o f the
S k u ll •
T he various races, which I have ,hrin^y ,d§iophed^.^^rd ,the
most remarkable inst^pc^s of diyephy; $rhicb e ^ t fe the hu-
niRnJdnd. There are, indeed,.several tribes extensively spread
-yduqfTflo not strictly belong to .either {Of these divisions, (though
th^y^ppproxlniate to one or .other of thenp., hut inyesbgatfeflfS
>t° ethnography* > a r e ^ w ^ t h
which | anp no-w^oneerped,, I sha^l endeavour to .illustrate
thiMuky*e;Ct hy a careful analysis of ftlpe particular points ,qf
variation relating,to form. which belong,fp{CQrnplfxion
ha,ve> been - already considered, ^aridt^esnf form and structure,
refer ^h^seJyes i chiefly to peculiarities in fthe bppy fabric,
and I shall proceed-.to examine the, characteristic differences
jwbich are discoverable in {the skeletons of different
races. .
Of all peculiarities in the. .form of the bony faf)Ejc, .fbo^e pf
the skull; are th e most ^striking sand ..djstingW^hing. I t is jp
the head that we^nd the .varietiesrmo,st;Stronglyqharaqterisiic
of different ^aqes. The charaqteil of the geunfepange, and
the shape qf,the features, depend chiefly son, the, .configuration
of the|bqnes>of the head» I shall de^qrihe thetyarinns fqr*p^
of the human skull, after premising §ome remarks qn the
planner in which fthjs •./^^ninfNtiw (has
The first anatomist who attempted {to distinguish and describe
in an accurate manner the differences „of-form which
have been discovered on cQmpabng lh e skulls of different
t 2