A rifing eminence between the Bosjefman and Kareeka
rivers, which at this place were not very diftant, commanded
a beautiful view of the furrounding country, and a great extent
o f fea-coaft. From thefe elevated plains a hidden depreffion
o f the earth defcends towards the fea-fhore, and particularly between
the mouths o f the two above-mentioned rivers. The
ground has here been rent and torn into vaft chafms, feparated
by high ridges of rude and maffy rock. The glens were
choaked up with thick, tall fhrabbery, and the fmaller kinds of
the trees o f the country» Thefe wild and difmal dens, o f many
miles in extent, were confidered by Renfberg, the perfon before
mentioned, as the nurfety of elephants, where, he afferted, he
had once feen in one troop between four and five hundred of
thefe enormous brut®, fcouring the plains, and making for the
Several o f the perfons with me pretended to have been eye-
Witneffes to the manner in which elephants performed the connubial
rites ; and they invariably afferted that the female went
down on her knees to receive the male, which, however, is not
the cafe. The manner in which this huge animal contrived to
propagate the fpecies is a fubjeCt that has long engaged the
clofet-naturalifts of Europe, and which has produced many
ftrange opinions and hypothefes. Some imagined that the
feelings o f this animal were fo delicate, and others that its fenfe
o f flavery was fo powerful, that fhame in the one inftance, and
indignation in the other, were impediments to their indulging,
in a domefticated ftate, in the gratifications of love. Such-like
hypothefes, founded on falfe fuggeltions of travellers, have o f
late been raoft completely fet afide by fads performed in the
prefence of many hundred fpeftators. Several Englifli gentlemen,
refident in the interior parts of India, have bred elephants.
In a letter from one of thefe gentlemen to his friend, dated
Tipperah, July 11, 1793, the whole procefs of courtihip, con-
fummation, and time of geftation, are minutely ftated. From
this letter the following are points that appear to be moft
unqueftionably afeertained.
' Firft: That tame elephants will procreate in their domeftic
ftate, and perform the ad of love without fhame, and without
feeling any fenfe o f delicacy beyond other brute animals.
Secondly : That the period of geftation is about twenty-one
Thirdly: That they copulate invariably in the fame manner
as a horfe with a mare, but with much lefs vigor. And,
Fourthly, That the female will again receive the male in five
or fix months after delivery.
A copy of the above-mentioned letter having been tranfmit-
ted to the late ingenious Sir William Jones, the relation produced
from the fportive fancy o f that celebrated genius the
commencement of a mock-heroic poem, in which, though very
fhort, the marks of exuberant imagination ftrongly appeared.
He intitles it Pelion and Offa.
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