nifts returned to their former poffeffions, particularly thofe in
the Zuure V e ld t; a circumftance, no doubt, that induced the
former once more to tranfgrefs the fixed boundary. So long
as they remained in fmall numbers in thefe forfaken parts, and
during the confufion in the affairs of Graaff Reynet, little
notice had been taken of their encroachments;; but of late
they had poured over in fuch multitudes, and had made fitch
rapid advances towards the interior and inhabited parts of the
diftrift, levying at the fame time contributions of oxen and
iheep on thofe colonifts whofe habitations they approached in
their paffage through the country, that the affair was become
ferioufly alarming.
As foon therefore as the landroft fhould have held a meeting
o f the inhabitants to adminifter to them the oath of allegiance
to His Majefty, to read his commiffion, appoint the Hem-
raaden, or members o f the Council, and fettle fome other
neceffary bufinefs at the Drofdy, it was refolved to inquire into
the affair of the Kaffers upon the fpot where they had pofted
themfelves in the greateft numbers; and, fhould it be found
neceffary, to proceed from thence to the refidence of their
king; at the fame time to pafs through and examine as many
parts o f the country, under the jurifdiftion of Graaff Reynet,
as could be done without too great an expenditure of time;
and particularly to vifit the bay that was faid to be formed
where the Zwart-kops river falls into the fea.
In the meantime I had an opportunity o f looking round me
and taking a curfory view o f that divifion of Graaff Reynet,
properly fo called. It occupies about ten miles on every fide
of the village. On the north and eaft it is terminated by the
Sneuwberg or Snowy mountains, and on the fouth and weft is
incjofed by the divifion of Camdeboo. It contains only
twenty-fix families, twelve of whom inhabit the village : the
reft are fcattered over a wild barren country almoft deftitute of
tree or fhrub, and very little better than the Karroo defert. The
Sunday river, in its paffage from the Snowy mountains, winds
round the fmall plain on which the Drofdy is placed, and fur-
nifhes it with a copious fupply o f water, without which it
would produce nothing. The whole extent of this plain is not
more than two fquare miles, and it is furrounded by mountains
two thoufand feet in height, from whofe fteep fides project, like
fo many lines of mafonry, a great number of fand-ftone ftrata ;
fo that the heat of fummer, increafed by the confined fituation
and the refleâion of the fun’s rays from the rocky fides of
thefe mountains, is intenfely great ; whilft the cold of winter,
from their great height, and thé proximity of the Showy
mountains, from whence the northerly winds rufh with great
violence through the kloof that admits the Sunday river, is
almoft intolerable; not merely on account of the decreafed
temperature, but from the total impoffibility of ftirring abroad
during the continuance o f thefe winds, which in whirling
eddies carry round the plain a confiant cloud o f red earth and
The village o f Graaff Reynet is in latitude 32° 11 ' fouth,
longitude 26° eaft, and the diftance from Cape Town about
500 miles. It confifts o f an affemblage of mud huts placed at