animals are eafily domefticated. One fpecies, however, is very
difficult, if not impoffible, to render tame. It refemblés the
peBorius or pol-cat o f America, with this difference only, that
the latter has five parallel white lines along the back, and the
African fpecies only four, that deverge from the fhoulder.
When firft taken they fmell very ftrongly of rnulk, which
however Ihortly wears off by Confinement. There is alfo found
in this part of the country ar beautiful little grpund-fquirrel,
with a white ftripe on each fide from the ffioulder to the flank;
the body a dark chefnut color, about eight inches in length ;
tail ten inches, grizzled, black, brown, and white.
That elegant bird, the Balearic crane, gras pavonina, was firft
met with near the Melk river ; and Guinea fowls were very
abundant near every ftreamlet. Bee-eaters, mérops apia/ler,
with their beautiful plumage, and -certbias, or creepers, with
colors ftill more brilliant, were fluttering about in vaft numbers
among the mimofas of the Sunday river, where are alfo many
beautiful fpecies both of kingfiffiets and woodpeckers. The
modeft garb of the colii, of which I met with three fpecies,
formed a ftriking contrail with the gaudy plumage of the others.
There are feveral fpecies o f fwallows in the Cape, all migratory.
One in particular, with a red-fpotted breaft, frequents
the habitations of man, where it builds its neft. In many of
the farm-houfes are fmall ffielves nailed againft the beams, , ex-
prefsly for the fwallows ; and I have hea[d it afferted very commonly,
that the fame birds return to their plàces for many
years, and generally on thé'very fame day ; a ftriking inftance
that Nature is not more confiant in the organization of the
machine than in the effedts that are intended to refult
from it.
The Sunday river was nearly dry, which gave our people
an opportunity of taking plenty of turtle with great eafe.
Thefe run generally about a foot in diameter: the females are
exceedingly prolific in eggs, and are by no means wanting in
flavor. The river abounds alfo with ffiort thick eels, that ¿re
very delicious. From the ford of the river to the Drofdy of
Graaff Reynet is a very ihort diftance. We arrived at this village
on the 30th September, having made our long circuitous
journey in lefs than two months.