leaf with a purple margin, bore a flower that meafured very
nearly ten inches in diameter. Several fpecies of the Ixia, of
the Iris, of the Morea, and Gladiolus, now in full bloom,
adorned the fides of the hills, whilft the Cape Sophora, and the
Arduina with its jeffamine-like fmell, perfumed the whole
At the feet of this chain of mountains runs a belt o f wood,
extending with little interruption near two hundred miles in
length ; and confiding chiefly of a great variety of foreft trees,
many of which are found of a prodigious magnitude. Some of
the woods of the colony have already been noticed. Here I
completed my catalogue of fuch as appeared moft applicable to
common ufes, having procured in the whole forty-four different
forts. O f thefe, I could have wifhed to have been able to indulge
the Botanift with Linnaean names, but the little time I
had to fpare, and the difficulty of procuring bloffoms from tall
foreft trees, made it impoffible. I muft, therefore, content
myfelf with giving the colonial names only of moft of them;
and even thefe may prove of infinite fervice to the future
traveller, who may wiih to direit his attention to the fubje£t.
Catalogue of ufeful Woods, growing in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hop