to that place, which lay due north,* they proceeded north-
north-west, and as they had a camel each, and travelled
very fast, the path being good, they went at the rate of
twenty-five miles a day, and in six days reached a place
called Villa Adrialla, w h e r e there were about twenty
tents. This place appeared to be inhabited entirely by
traders, who had at least five hundred camels, a great
number of goats and sheep, and a few horses. The cattle
were tended by Negro slaves. Here they remained about
three weeks, until Abdallah had finished his business; and
then set out for Hieta Mouessa Ali, where they arrived in
three days. Adams believes that the reason of their travelling
so fast during the last stage was, that Abdallah was
afraid of being robbed, of which he seemed to have no
apprehension after he had arrived at Villa Adrialla, and
therefore they travelled from that place to Hieta Mouessa
Ali at the rate of only about sixteen or eighteen miles a
day ; their course being due north-west.
Hieta Mouessa Ali J was the largest place Adams had
seen in which there were no houses, there being not less
than a hundred tents. Here was a small brook issuing
* This bearing is not reconcileable ■with Adams’s subsequent course.
•f This should probably be Woled Adrialla; but I have no knowledge of
the place. D.
t Aiata Mouessa Ali. D.
from a mountain, being the only one he had seen except
that at Soudenny; but the vegetation was not more abundant
than at other places. They remained here about a
month; during which Adams was as usual employed in
tending camels. As the time hung very heavy on his hands,
and he saw no preparation for their departure for Wadi-
noon, and his anxiety to reach that place had been very
much excited by the intelligence that there were other
Christians there, he took every opportunity of making
inquiry respecting the course and distance; and being at
length of opinion that he might find his way thither, he
one evening determined to desert; and accordingly he set
out on foot alone, with a small supply of dried goats’
flesh, relying upon getting a further supply at the villages,
which he understood were on the road. He had travelled
the whole of that night, and until about noon the next
day without stopping; when he was overtaken by a party
of three or four men on camels, who had been sent in
pursuit of him. It seems they expected that Adams had
been persuaded to leave Hieta Mouessa Ali, by some
persons who wished to take him to Wadinoon for sale■; and
they were therefore greatly pleased to find him on foot,
and alone. Instead of ill treating him as he apprehended
they would do, they merely conducted him back to Hieta