Dog, - Killab.
Cow, - Fallee.
Goat, - - - Luganam
Sheep, Naidsh.
Elephant, Fifed,
House, Dah.
Water, Boca.
Mountain, Kaddear.
Tree, - Carna.
Date Tree, Carna Tomar.
Pig Tree, Carna Carmoos.
Gold, Or.
A Moor, Seckar.
Ransom of the imprisoned Moors and of Adams.—Departure from Tombuctoo.
—Journey eastward along the River ; then northward to Taudeny—Traders
in salt.—Taudeny—mixed Population of Moors and Negroes—Beds of Rock
Salt—Preparations and Departure to cross the Sandy Desert.—Sufferings in
the Desert.—Arrival at Woled Dleim—employment, and long detention
there.—Refusal of Adams to attend to his tasks—He is punished for i t ; but
perseveres—-seizes an opportunity of escaping—is pursued; but reaches El
Kabla—He is purchased, by the Chief—Employed to tend the flocks of his
Master’s Wives—Negotiates with Aisha, the younger wife, on the subject of
Wages—-their bargain, and its consequences—Adams flies and conceals him-
. self—is purchased by a Trader; and conveyed to Woled Aboussebah—
—Woled Adrialla —Aiata Mouessa Ali.—He attempts to escape—is retaken;
and conveyed to Wed-noon.