
Adams, Robert, Introductory Details respecting—
accidentally met with in London, xi.
—brought to the office of the African Company,
and questioned respecting his adventures
in Africa ; his answers satisfactory, xii.
M |—his method of computing bearings,
distances, and rales of travelling through
the deserts, xviii.-^examined by several
members of government, and others, xix.
_.receives a gratuity from the Lords of the
Treasury, and departs for America, xx, xxi.
—his statements corroborated by Mr. Dupuis,
British Vice Consul at Mogadore, xxii.
—curious particulars relating to his conduct
and appearance when liberated from slavery,
xxiv.—known at Mogadore by the
name of Rose;—reasons for his changing
his name to Adams, xxvii.
Adams, Robert, his Narrative ;—wrecked on
the western coast of Africa, 7-—carried
from the coast by a party of Moors to a
Douar in the Desert, 1-2.—accompanies a
party of Moors in an expedition to Sou-
denny, 15.—made prisoner, with them, by
the Negroes, and carried to Tombuctoo,
16-18.— ransomed, with the Moors, and
carried to Tudennv, and thence to the
Douar of Woled D’leim, 47-53.—employment,
and treatment there,54,55.—escapes
with a camel to Hilla Gibla (or Ei Kabla),
55-7-—becomes the slave of the Governor,
has an intrigue with one of the Governor’s
wives, an d is sold, in co n sequenc e, to a
tra d in g M o o r, 58-61.— carried th en ce to
different Do u ars in th e D esert, a n d finally
to W a d in o o n , 61 -64 ;— his em p lo ym en t an d
in h um an tre a tm e n t a t th a t p la ce ;—but a t
le n g th ransomed an d carried to M o g ad o re
68-78.— se n t th e n c e b y M r. D u p u is to
F ez an d T a n g ie r, 80 ;—th e n c e to Cadiz b y
th e American Consul ; his stay th e re , 81.—
arrives in London in th e u tm o st d istress, 82.
— his re ck o n in g o f time an d distan ces c o rre
c ted , 155, 6.
A frican Comp an y , C om m ittee o f th e , e x a mine
Adams, and recom men d th e E d ito r to
compile his N a rrativ e, xv. xvi.
Agadeer Doma, th e Moo rish n am e o f S en e g
al, 89.
Andalusie trib e o f Mo o rs, o rigin an d descrip tion
o f it, 221.
Arabs o f E l Gazie, described ; 85, 6,— make
prisoners th e crew o f th e (t C harles,” an d
p lu n d e r th e w reck ,8 ,9 .— q u it th e co a st with
th e ir prisoners ; th e ir mode o f travelling,
12.—p red ato ry exp ed itio n to S o u d e n n y ;
m ade prisoners by th e Negroes, a n d sen t
to T om b u cto o , 16-18.
Arabs o f Barbary,- and the D esert, d escription
an d c h a ra c te r of, 217 et seqq.— their distin g
uishing occupations, 2 3 3 .
Arrows, poisoned, used by the Negroes, 32,