of spirits difficult to explain ; no peculiar symptom is
observed until a day or two before the attack, when
great lassitude is felt, with a desire to sleep. Rheumatic
pains in the loins, back, and joints of the limbs
are accompanied by a sense of great weakness. A cold
fit comes on very quickly; this is so severe that it
almost immediately affects the stomach, producing
painful vomiting with severe retching. The. eyes are
heavy and painful, the head hot and aching, the extremities
pale and cold, pulse very weak, and about
fifty-six beats per minute; the action of the heart distressingly
weak, with total prostration of strength.
This shivering and vomiting continues for about two
hours, attended with great difficulty of breathing.
The hot stage then comes on, the retching still continuing,
with the difficulty of breathing, intense weakness
and restlessness for about an hour and a half,
which, should the remedies be successful, terminate
in profuse perspiration and sleep. The attack ends,
leaving the stomach in a dreadful state of weakness.
The fever is remittent, the attack returning almost
at the same hour eveiy two days, and reducing the
patient rapidly to a mere skeleton ; the stomach
refuses to act, and death ensues. Any severe action
of the mind, such as grief or anger, is almost certain
to be succeeded by fever in this country. My stock
of quinine is reduced to a few grains, and my work
lies before m e ; my cattle are all dead. We are
both weakened by repeated fever, and travelling must
be on foot.”
END o f v o l . 1.
LO N D O N : R. C L A Y , SO N , A N D T A Y L O R , P R IN T E R S .