were announced, and a prettier pair of savages I never
saw. They were very clean;—-their hair was worn
shoit, like all the women of the country, and plastered
with red ochre and fat, so as to look like vermilion;
their faces were slightly, tattooed on the cheeks -and
temples; and they sat down on the many-coloured
carpet with great surprise, and stared at the first white
man and woman they had ever seen. AVe gave them
both a number of necklaces of red-and blue beads, and
I secured her portrait in my sketch book, obtaining a
very correct likeness. She told us that Mahommed'
Her’s men were very bad people ; that they had burnt
and plundered one of her villages ; and that one of the
Latookas who had been wounded in the fight by a
bullet had just died, and they were to dance for him
to-morrow, if we would like to attend. She asked
many questions ; how many wives I had ? and was
astonished to hear that I was contented with one.
This seemed to amuse her immensely, and she laughed
heartily with her daughter at the idea. She said that
my wife would be much improved if she would extract
her four front teeth from the lower jaw, and wear the
red ointment on her hair, according to the fashion of
the country ; she also proposed that she-should pierce
her under lip, and wear the long pointed. polished
crystal, about the size of a drawing pencil, that is the
“ thing” in the Latooka country.. No. woman among
the tribe .who has any. pretensions to be a “ swell”
would be without this highly prized ornament, and one
of my thermometers having come to an end I broke
the tube into three pieces, and they were considered as
presents of the highest value, to be worn through the
perforated under lip. Lest , the piece should slip through
the hole in the lip, a kind of rivet is formed by twine
bound round the inner extremity, and this protruding
into the space left by the extraction of the four front
teeth of the lower jaw, entices the tongue to act upon