C. parroti Kieff.
(Fig. 53, i ; fig. 52, a)
Culicoidesparroti Kieffer, 1922, Arch. Inst. Past. Afr. Nord., 2, 502 ; Kieffer, 1925, Faune de
France, Ceratopogoninae, 79.
Tergite more normal in shape than in C. stig7na ; processes long and
slightly divergent, no accessory lobes between them, but margin of tergite
slightly indented in middle. Sternite with rather shallow emarginatfon
Coxite scarcely enlarged basally and not at all apically. Style curved, with
FIG. 53-—Hypopygia of Culicoides, ventral view : a, diagram to illustrate nomenclature of parts ;
b, stigma ; c, parroti.
a. aedeagus. C. coxite. ce. cercus. d.r. dorsal root of coxite. m. membrane, p. parameres
p.t. ap.co-lateral process of tergite. 8. sternite. St. stj-le. T. tergite. v.r. ventral root of coxite.
sharp-pointed tip. Aedeagus deeply bifid at tip. Fused parameres similar
in shape to aedeagus.
The above description is from a male from Angora, Turkey {M. Sureia
Bey), which agrees with British females in all details of colouring. (I have
seen no British males).
C. nubeculosus Mg.
(Fig. 54, a ; fig. 52, c)
^ „ : nubectdosus Meigen, 1830, Syst. Beschr., 6, 263.
Culicoidespimcticollis Goetghebuer, 1912, Ann. Biol, lacustre, 5, 2 (sep.).
Culicoidespimctaticollis Goetghebuer, 1920, Mem. Mus. Belg., 8, 56.
Tergite with very long, finger-like processes, which are only slightly divergent.
Sternite only slightly emarginate, membrane bare. Coxite much
widened at base, its inner face with the fine pubescence denser than in related
species, ventral root very thick. Style not obviously bent, thick and provided
with long hairs on more than the basal half, the shorter, bare terminal portion
pointed. Aedeagus broad, somewhat square-ended, not bifid. Parameres
very extensively fused, with the tips almost threadlike.
The Japanese form described by Tokunaga (1937) as C. nubeculosus is
evidently not this species, but an unnamed one of the same group.
C. riethi Kieifer
(Fig. 54, b ; Fig. 52, d)
Culicoides riethi Kieffer, 1914, Arch. Hydrobiol. Supp. 2, 237.
C.pullatus Kieffer, 1915, Arch. Hydrobiol. Supp. 2, 474.'
C. crassiforceps Kieffer, 1924, Bull. Soc. Moselle, 29, 15.
? C. cordatus Kieffer, 1921, Arch. Inst. Past. Afr. Nord., i, 114.
Tergite with processes much shorter than in C. nubeculosus and rather
widely divergent, portion of tergite between them forming a shallow V Coxite
not much widened at base, ventral root not very thick. Style distinctly bent
the bare terminal portion long. Aedeagus with two long points, its sides moré
or less membranous. Parameres less extensively fused than in C. nubeculosus
tips not threadlike.
FIG. 54.-Hypopygia of ventral view: a, nubeculosus; b, riethi; c, puncticollis. Parameres
shown separately, also aedeagus oi riethi.
C. puncticollis Becker
(Fig. 54, i ; fig. 52, e-g)
C.pulicaris var. algecirensis Strobl., 1900, Wien. Ent. Zeit 10 170
C. puncticollis Becker, 1902, Mith. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 2, 2 75 '
C. impressus Kieffer, 1918, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 16 47 '
C. algecirensis, Kieffer 1919, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 17 39
C. donatieni Kieffer, Arch. Inst. Past. Afr. Nord., 2, 504
C. sciniphes Kieffer, 1924, Bull. Soc. Ent. Eg-ypte', 261!
? C. flavitarsis Vimmer, 1932, Sbornik, 8, 144.
? C. vavrai Vimmer, 1932, Sbornik, 8, 144.
C. biptmctatus Vimmer, 1932, Sbornik, 8, 144.
? C. tmbeculosus (Meigen) Medwedewa, 1928.
Tergite intermediate in shape between that of C. nubeculosus and C. rietki'
Other characters much as in 6". rteM ; the small differences shown in the
figures may not be constant.