L A R G E - F L O W E R E D H I B I S C U S , C O T T O N ROSE, O R W I L D A L T H A E A.
HIBISCUS GBANDIFLORUS, Mich. Fl. Amer. vol. ii. p. 46. Pursh. Fl. Amer. p. 455.—
This beautiful species of Hibiscus, which does not precisely agree with
any that I have seen described, although it is probably the above, is characterised
by its ovato-cordate, obtusely and irregularly serrated, acute,
venous tough leaves, and its large rose-coloured flowers, which are deepred
at the base, and streaked with the same colour. The corolla is about
five inches in diameter, the anthers yellow. The stem and leaves are
smooth. It grows in salt marshes, and by the edges of pools.
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T H E population of many parts of America is derived from the refuse
of every other country. I hope I shall elsewhere prove to you, kind
reader, that even in this we have reason to feel a certain degree of pride,
as we often see our worst denizens becoming gradually freed from error,
and at length changing to useful and respectable citizens. The most depraved
of these emigrants are forced to retreat farther and farther from
the society of the virtuous, the restraints imposed by which they find incompatible
with their habits and the gratification of their unbridled passions.
On the extreme verge of civilization, however, their evil propensities
find more free scope, and the dread of punishment for their deeds,
or the infliction of that punishment, are the only means that prove effectual
in reforming them.
In those remote parts, no sooner is it discovered that an individual has
conducted himself in a notoriously vicious manner, or has committed
some outrage upon society, than a conclave of the honest citizens takes
place, for the purpose of investigating the case, with a rigour without
which no good result could be expected. These honest citizens, selected
from among the most respectable persons in the district, and vested with
powers suited to the necessity of preserving order on the frontiers, are
named Regulators. The accused person is arrested, his conduct laid
open, and if he is found guilty of a first crime, he is warned to leaye the
country, and go farther from society, within an appointed time. Should
the individual prove so callous as to disregard the sentence, and remain
in the same neighbourhood, to commit new crimes, then wo be to him;
for the Regulators, after proving him guilty a second time, pass and execute
a sentence, which, if not enough to make him perish under the infliction,
is at least for ever impressed upon his memory. The punishment
inflicted is generally a severe castigation, and the destruction by fire of
his cabin. Sometimes, in cases of reiterated theft or murder, death is
considered necessary; and, in some instances, delinquents of the worst
species have been shot, after which their heads have been stuck on poles,
to deter others from following their example. I shall give you an account
of one of these desperadoes, as I received it from a person who had been
instrumental in bringing him to punishment.