94 C A R O L I N A T U R T L E DOVE.
COLUMBA CAROLINENSIS, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 286.—Lath. Ind. Ornith. vol. ii.
p. 613—Ch. Bonaparte, Synops. of Birds of the United States, p. 119.
CAROLINA PIGEON, Lath. Syn. vol. iv. p. 663.
vol. v. p. 91. P L xliii. fig. 1.
Adult Male. Plate XVII. Fig. 1,1.
Bill straight, of ordinary length, rather slender, broader than deep at
the base, with a tumid fleshy covering, compressed towards the end,
rather obtuse; upper mandible slightly decimate at the tip; edges involute.
Head small. Neck slender. Body rather full. Legs short and
strong; tarsus covered anteriorly with scutella, rather rounded; toes
scutellate, slightly webbed at the base; claws short, depressed, obtuse.
Plumage compact on the back, blended and soft on the head, neck
and under parts. Wings long, second quill longest. Tail wedge-shaped,
long, of fourteen feathers, the middle ones tapering, the rest obtuse.
Bill blackish, at the base carmine-purple. Iris hazel; orbit greenishblue.
Feet carmine-purple; claws dusky. Crown of the head, and upper
part of the neck, bright greenish-blue ; the rest of the upper parts,
including the wing-coverts, light yellowish-brown, tinged with light blue,
of which colour are the edges of the wings, and the outer webs of the
quills towards the base. Some of the proximal wing-coverts spotted with
black. Forehead, and sides of the head brownish-yellow, which colour
predominates on the under parts, the breast and neck tinged with blue,
and the abdomen and under tail-coverts paler. Quills dusky, margined
externally with whitish, the last secondaries light brown and spotted with
black. The two middle tail-feathers, and the outer webs of the next five
on each side like the back; all the feathers, excepting the middle ones,
have a spot of black about an inch from their extremity, the space between
which and the base is bright greenish-blue, that beyond it being
paler and tinged with brown, excepting in the three outer feathers, where
it is white, as is the outer web of the outermost.
Length 12 inches, extent of wings 17; bill along the ridge T
? , along
the gap f.
Adult Female. Plate XVII. Fig. 2, 2.
The female is somewhat duller in the tints of the plumage ; the bright
C A R O L I N A T U R T L E DOVE. 95
blue of the head is wanting, that part being coloured like the back ; the
neck and breast have less blue, and the white of the tail is less pure.
Length 11 inches, extent of wings 15£; bill as in the male.
Pursh, FL Amer. vol. ii. p. 451 MONADELPHIA POLTANDRIA, Linn.
A small tree, with smooth spreading branches; ovate-acute leaves,
generally entire at the margins; axiUar flowers, which are solitary, or
two together; large white corollas, of five rounded petals, and reddishpurple
stamina. The leaves vary in being sometimes serrated, and more
or less downy. It flowers from June to September.