GOS — HAWK, adult female.
Falco palumbarius, Linn. S. N. i. p. 130 (1766); Naum. i.
p. 249.
Accipiter palumbarius, Macg. iii. p. 340.
Astur palumbarius, Hewitson, i. p. 34; Yarr. ed. 4, i. p. 83 ;
Dresser, v. p. 587.
Autour, French; Habicht, German; Azor, Gavilan,
Although this fine Hawk is by no means uncommon
in Germany and certain districts of Northern France,
and there is good evidence of its having formerly bred in
Scotland, it is now only known as a rare and irregular
visitor to Great Britain, and I have only once seen a
freshly-killed British Gos-Hawk; this bird I found on
the counter of the shop of the well-known Mr. B. Lead-
beater, of Brewer Street, about the end of March 1864,
and was informed by him that he had just received it
for preservation from Sir Robert Sheffield, Bart., of
Normanby Park: several years after this the late Lord
Kesteven mentioned this occurrence to me, and informed
me that another Gos-Hawk was noticed at the same