lines adopted by Lord Lilford himself in the later
parts of his work could not be satisfactory, and it
also seemed unadvisable to revert to the short notes of
the earlier parts. I therefore took a somewhat middle
course and confined my notes in each case to a brief
statement of the claims of each species to be considered
a British Bird and to a short summary of its external
geographical distribution.
Regarding the final systematic arrangement of the
work, I may add that in June 1895 Lord Lilford drew
up a rough list of the groups of British Birds placed in
the order in which he considered they ought to stand.
This list was submitted to me and a few suggested
alterations were accepted. The order of this list has
now been adopted, very slightly adjusted to admit
species that had been overlooked. It is, in many
respects, the order of the Fourth Edition of ‘ Yarrell’s
British Birds.’
In an Appendix to Volume VII. I have given a
List of Birds said to have occurred in the British
Islands, but of which no further mention will be
found in this work. No attempt is made to investigate
their respective claims to be included in the British
0. S.
Christmas 1897.
This Work was issued in two Editions: the First commenced
October 1885, and the Second April 1891, both Editions ending simultaneously
; the Plates in Volume I. appeared as follows :—
1st Edition.
2nd Edition.
PART 1. Golden E agle................ X. Mar. 1889. X. Dec. 1891.
2. » 99 • • • • • *. XXV. Oct. 1893. XXIV. Oct.. 1893.
3. Spotted Eagle ............ XXXI. June 1895. XXXI. June 1895.
” ” ....... XXV. Oct. 1893. XXV. Oct. 1893.
W hite-tailed or Sea-
99 XVI. Sept. 1890. XVII. Nov. 1892.
7. 99 »> XIII. Mar. 1890. XTTT- 8. June 1892. Osprey.............................. XXXI. June 1895. XXXI. 9. June 1895. Common Buzzard . . . . XVH. Feb. 1891. XXII. 10. June 1893. Kough-legged Buzzard. XIV. May 1890. XVI. 11. Nov. 1892. H oney-Buzza rd............ XXVII. Dec. 1893. 12. XXVI. Dec. 1893. J,
13. 99 99 ............ » 99 Ki t e .................................. XI. Sept. 1889. XI. 14. Feb. 1892. Black Kit e ..................... XIX. July 1891. XII. 15. May 1892. Gtr F alcon ................ XXX. Feb. 1895. XXX. 16. Feb. 1895. Iceland F alcon........... XXIX. Nov. 1894. XXIX. 17. Nov. 1894. „ „ ............ 1
18. 99 Greenland Falcon .. XVII. Feb. 99 1891. 99 19.
XXII. June 1893. Peregrine Falcon . . . . XII. Jan. 1890. XXVII. 20.
Aug. 1894.