C. R. Gawen, Esq.
T homas G eorge, Esq.
J ohn G errard, Esq.
Miss D orothea H. G ibbs.
Sir J ames H. Gibson-Craig, Bart.
Sir W alter Gilbey, Bart.
The Rev. H. H. G illett, M.A.
Sir J ohn G ilmour, Bart.
F. D uCane Godman, Esq., E.R.S.
H. St. Barbe Goldsmith, Esq.
G. I. G oodheart, Esq.
Captain G. I. G ould.
Sir G eorge M acpherson G rant,
C. M acpherson G rant, Esq. (the
J. F. Green, Esq.
Sir Gilbert G reenall, Bart.,
M.P. (the late).
B. W. G ruith, Esq.
Dr. A. Günther, F.R.S.
Mrs. J ohn G urney.
R ichard H. J. G urney, Esq.
G. H. Caton H aigh, Esq.
J. P. W ilton H aines, Esq.
Messrs. H amilton, Adams,
and Co.
A. H ammond, Esq. (the late).
H . C. H ampson, Esq.
Mrs. G eorge H anbury.
L ionel H anbury, Esq.
E. W. H arcourt, Esq., M.P.
(the late).
Basil W. H ardcastle, Esq.
J. H ardie, Esq.
R eginald G. H argreaves, Esq.
Colonel H arrison.
L awrence H arrison, Esq.
Messrs. H arrison & Sons.
J ohn H arrop, Esq.
J. H astings, Esq.
Messrs. H atchards.
Rev. H. S. H awkins, M.A.
(the late).
J. Clarke H awkshaw, Esq.
Charles T. H ebbert, Esq.
J ohn G. H eckscher, Esq.
Dr. H enderson.
G eorge H enderson, Esq.
The L ord H enniker.
Dr. H . B endelack H ewetson.
Rev. J. R. H ewitson, M.A.
C. R. C. H ibbert, Esq.
R. F. H ibbert, Esq.
Rev. T. S. H ichens, M.A.
The Hon. L ady H igginson.
B erkeley H ill, Esq. (the late).
H. A. H ills, Esq.
W. T. H ind marsh, Esq.
L ady H olland (the late).
F. H. Holmes, Esq.
The E arl of H ome.
G. P. H ope, Esq.
H . P. H orby,E sq.
W. L. H orley, Esq.
T. C. H orsfall, Esq.
R obert J. H oward, Esq.
The D owager L ady H oward de
W alden.
J ames C. H owden, Esq., M.D.
Mr. E. H owell.
R eginald H udson, Esq.
Lieut.-Col. J. M. H unt.
J. H. H utchinson, Esq.
Colonel L. H. I rby.
I reland, N ational Library of.
J ames J. L. I rving, Esq.
Sir Charles E. I sham, Bart.
R. D. J ackson, Esq.
H. B erkeley J ames, Esq. (the
W illiam D. J ames, Esq.
C. E. J ennings, Esq.
H arry Clarke J ervoise, Esq.
H. J. J ohnson, Esq.
J ohn A lgernon J ones, Esq.
Major H. J ones.
Messrs. J ones & Evans.
R. F. W ynne J ones, Esq.
W. C. J ones, Esq.
Rev. H. W. J ukes, M.A.
V. A. J ulius, Esq.
J unior Carlton Club.
Mr. F. J usten.
Prof. Ch. van K empen.
L ady Coleridge K ennard.
Mrs. K ennedy.
T. S. K ennedy, Esq.
Colonel E. G. K eppel.
J ohn K ermack, Esq.
P. M. C. Kermode, Esq.
The L ord K esteven.
T. M. K itchen, Esq.
Mrs. W. H. Sneyd K ymersley.
R. S. L amb, Esq.
C. J. L ambert, Esq.
Sir George L ampson, B art.
Mrs. N orman L ampson.
H. L angton, Esq.
C. D. L angworhy, Esq.
The Hon, Gerald Lascelles.
Capt. L atham.
W. B. L ee, Esq.
E. B. L ees, Esq.
M. L ees, Esq.
Mrs. L egh.
W. H amilton L eigh, Esq.
W. L ethbridge, Esq.
A rthur L ewis, Esq.
H enry L ewis, Esq.
Clementina, L ady Lilford.
The D owager L ady L ilford
(the late).
W. B. L indley, Esq.
F rank L ittleboy, Esq.
Captain St. J. D. T. L oftus.
The Marquis of L othian, K.T.
The E arl of L ovelace.
M ajor A. P. L oyd.
Frederick L ubbock, Esq.
N. L ubbock, Esq.
F red. W. Lucas, Esq.
James L umsden, Esq.
The L ord L yveden.
David M cB rayne, Esq.
A. M cD onald, Esq.
Mrs. Agnes M cD ouall.
Mrs. M cI ntosh.
— M cQueen, Esq.
Capt. J. R. H. Macfarlane, R.N.