particularly to affect the dense plantations of conifers
that form such favourite retreats for the Barn-Owl.
The present bird is an early breeder, the young being
often strong on the wing by the beginning of May:
the usual site of its nursery is a spacious hollow in the
trunk or large limb of an old tree, but I have known
several instances of its laying in rabbit-burrows or
amongst tree-roots above ground, and one or two of
its having taken possession of an old nest of Crow or
Wood-Pigeon. Shakespeare has rendered the hoot of
the Tawny Owl famous for all time; and though I
cannot quite agree with the bard in considering it as
a “ merry note,” it is exceedingly pleasant to my ears,
and brings back memories of the happy days when Owls
were to me birds of mystery, now dispelled by years
and diligent study of their habits, which have led me to
a full appreciation of the beauty and infinite merits of
these unpaid friends of man.
T AW N Y , B ROWN , o r WO O D -OWL . Grey Race.
Syrnium aluco(Linn.).