Tpoa fgaeca 18. G reenland F alcon. Falco candicans, J. F. Gmelin. 36
19. Peregrine Falcon. Falco peregrinus, Tunstall. X
Female, fourth year ...........................................> 40
20. Do. Do. Male, first y ear....................................3 21. H obby. Falco subbuteo, Linn. Adult . .
22. Do. Do. Immature................................................j- 44
23. R ed-footed Falcon. Falco vespertinus, Linn. . 45
24. M erlin. Falco æsalon, Tunstall. Adult male . 1
25. Do. Do. Adult female and immature male . . J ^
26. K estrel. Falco tinnunculus, Linn...............................53
27. L esser K estrel. Falco cenchris, Naum. . . . 55
28. Gos-Hawk. Astur palumbarius (Linn.). Adult
29. Do. Do. Plumage of first year................................60
30. Sparrow-H awk. Accipiter nisus (Linn.). Male.-.
31. Do. Do. F e m a le ................................................/
32. Do. Do. Immature male......................................V 66
33. 'Do, Do. Immature fem ale.................................'
34. M arsh - H arrier. Circus oeruginosus (Linn.).
Very old male ........................................ 67
35. Do. Do. Plumage of first y ear.......................68
36. H en-H arrier. Circus cyaneus (Linn.). . . . 69
37. Montagu's H arrier. Circuscineraceus (Montagu), x
Adult and immature m ales..........................> 7 3
38. Do. Do. Female and dark form of male . . .J
39. Griffon Vulture. Gyps fulvus, J. F. Gmelin . 77
40. Neophron or Egyptian Vulture. Neophron
percnopterus (L inn .)...................................... 83
41. Tawny, Brown, or Wood-Owl. Syrnium aluco
(L in n .)........................................ 87
42. Do. Do. (Grey ra c e )......................................88
43. Tengmalm’s Owl. Nyctala tengmalmi (J. F. G m elin)...........................................................89
44. L ong-eared Owl. Asio otus (Linn.) . . . . 91
45. Short-eared Owl. Asio brachyotus (Forster) . 95
Top afgaece 46. Eagle-Owl. Bubo maximus, Fleming . . . . 97
47. Scops Owl. Scops giu ( S c o p .) ................................100
48. L ittle Owl. Athene noctua (Scop.) . . . . 102
49. H awk-O wl. Surnia funerea (Linn.) . . . . 103
50. Snowy Owl. Nyctea scandiaca (Linn.) . . . 105
51. Barn-Owl. Strix flammea, Linn.................................109