a fubftitution is eftablilhed between this fubftance and the debt owing
by the purchafer; and as this is the original objefl in paying debts,
regard mull therefore be had to it, unlefs that be impoffible, which
however is not the cafe in the example here confidered.— It is other-
wife in a contrail of Sillint', for there no regard can be paid to fubfti-
tution, as it cannot there be admitted;— whence it is that, in contrails
o f Siltim, the fubftance, or particular fum taken poffeffion of, is accounted
to be, in effect, the thing for which the advance is made,
and which remains a debt upon the perfon who receives fuch fum.
H E D H T A.
Of M A Z O O N S , or L I C E N C E D S L A V E S *.
MA ZO O N is the paflive participle from Izn.— Izn, in its primi- Definition o f
tive fenfe, means certification.— In the language of the law the,lerm>
lt ngnmes a removal of the inhibition to which a flave is fubjedled by remark*»
his bondage, and alfo (according to our doctors) a remiffion of the
mafter’s right;—and, upon this taking place, the licenced [Mazoon]
* T h e y are in fome parts o f the work termed privileged flaves— 'T h e expreffions are
f lr ia iy fynonymous, the term Mazoon applying to either.— In fait, Mazoon literally
Signifies licenced^ and therefore applies to any licenced perfon whatever:— but it is alfo
the technical term for a licenced Jlave, and where it occurs by itfelf is always to be taken
in that fenfe.