neither be
for nor diftri-
C O M P O S I T I O N . Book XXV£
heritance takes place only with refpeit to fuch property as is unincumbered
with fome eflential requifite of the deceafed ;• and the payment
of the debts.of the deceafed is one of his effential requifites. ]f5
alfo, the eflate be not completely overwhelmed with debt, it is not
even then becoming to enter into any compofition until the debts be
difcharged. Lawyers, however, have faid that if, in fuch cafe, a
compofition or a divifion be made, prior to a difcbarge of the debts,
it is valid.—Koorokhee, in treating of partition, obferves that it is not
valid according to a favourable conllruftion.of the law;, but that it is
valid upon the principle of analogy.
H E D J T J.
O f Mozdribat, or Copartnerßnp, in the Proßts of Stock
and Labour.
MO Z Ä R lB A T is derived from Zirrib, and means, in its literal
fenfe, to walk on the ground. In the language of the l aw ,
Mozdribat lignifies a contrail of copartnerfhip, of which the one party
(namely, the proprietor) is entitled to a profit on account of theßock,
he being denominated Rabbi Mdl, or proprietor of the flock, (which
is termed Rds M ill',) and the other party is entitled to a profit on account
of his labour; and this laft is denominated the Mozdrib (or manager,)
inafmuch as he derives a benefit from his own labour and endeavours.
— Acontrail of Mozdribat, therefore, cannot be eflablifhed without a
E e 2 participation
Definitlf n of
the term.
A participa-»
tion In the
profit is aar