White-crowned Flycatcher.
MornrcU carte, Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p.'53, pi. xii. fig. 1.
T his beautiful species of Flycatcher belongs to the pied section of the genus Monaroha (o r o f th e genus
W K m k as set forth in the ‘ Catalogue o f B ird s ') , which includes M . ver„calu,M. B | lm ca l
and other well-known Moluccan and Papuan species. I t would appear to resemble A t m e m B close §
and, like that species, has the ear-coverts, sides of neck, and summit of crown white, while the distribution
of white a, the wing-covertsis the same; but it would seem to be at once distinguished | _ t h e lines
o f white spots on the throat, and by having the inner secondaries edged with white instead of their being
entirely pure white as in M. verticalis. H H H
Only a single specimen was contained in Mr. Forbes's collection, from which we gather that the species
is rather rare in the p a rt of the Tenimber Islands visited by him.
The following is a description of the original type :— I
Adult male. General aspect above variegated; the back and mantle bluish black, somewhat mixed with
grey on the lower back as it approaches the rump, the lower p art of which, with the upper tad-coverts, is
white; least wing-coverts black; entire median series ;hnd inner greater coverts w h ite; outer greater
coverts black tipped with w h ite ; bastard wing, primary-covert», and quills black, the secondaries narrow y
fringed with white near the tip of the outer web ; the innermost secondaries broadly edged with white
externally; centre tail-feathers black, the next with a small triangular tip of white, which increases | extent
towards the outer feathers until the external one is white for W M than the terminal half H lores,
and a narrow superciliary line extending backwards and forming a broad nuchal collar bluish black ; the crown
of the bead pure white encircled by the black aforesaid; feathers below the eye cheeks, and throat black,
which extends in a broad band and joins the black nuchal collar above mentioned, thus encircling the white
ear-coverts, which form a conspicuous p a tc h ; the lower throat decorated with white, tips to the feathers,
forming a triple line ; sides o f neck white, extending backwards so as to form a more or less distinct collar
separating the nuchal band from the m an tle ; remainder of under surface from the throat downwards pure
white, excepting the hinder aspect of the thighs, which is black; the white of the
sullied with a grey sh ad e ;' under wing-coverts and axillaries white, excepting the edge of the wing the
ad iaceit coverts, which are black; quills blackish below, edged with white along the inner web; bill lavender,
tip black ; legs and feet lavender; iris reddish brown » (H . 0 . Forbes). Total length 5-75 inches, cnlmen
0-55, wing 2-7, tail 2-7, tarsus 0 7 5 . .......................... .......