Timor-Laut Fantail Flycatcher.
Rhipidura fusco-rufa, Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 197, pi. xxvii.
T his Flycatcher appears to us, after a comparison with the “ Keys to the species ” of Rhipidura given in
the British-Museum ‘ Catalogue of Birds,’ and in Count Salvadori’s ‘ Ornitologia della Papuasia,’ to belong to
a totally new section o f the genus. Its rufous outer tail-feathers and a peculiar distribution o f rufous and brown
Coloration about the bird render it quite distinct from any o ther known species. In the character of the tail it
approaches somewhat the female o f R . brachyrhyncha, Schlegel, from New Guinea; but there the resemblance
ends, as the coloration o f the res t o f the plumage is totally different. Mr. Forbes sent a large series of this
species from Larat, Moloe, and Loetoe; and it would appear to be common in-the Tenimber Islands which
he visited.
The following is a description o f the type specimen:
Adult male. General colour above dull chocolate-brown, the head and hind neck duller and more sooty
brown ; wing-coverts dusky brown, the least and median series tipped and the greater series edged with pale
ferruginous ; bastard wing, primary-coverts, and quills dusky b lack ; the secondaries edged with pale
ferruginous, more broadly on the inner o n e s; the four centre tail-feathers entirely dusky blackish, the next
pair blackish, excepting for a shade o f pale ferruginous towards the end of the feather, the three outermost
entirely pale ferruginous with yellowish-white sh a fts ; sides o f face, lores, and ear-coverts dusky blackish ;
the fore p art o f the cheeks white, and a half-concealed white spot above the e y e ; throat and fore neck white,
the sides o f the latter ashy streaked with wh ite; remainder of the under surface very pale ferruginous,
deepening in tint on the thighs, vent, and under tail-coverts; under wing-coverts and axillaries richer
ferruginous; quills dusky below, ashy rufous along the edge o f the inner webs ; “ bill, legs, and feet black ;
iris dark brown ” (H . 0 . Forbes) . Total length 6 ‘75 inches, culmen 0 -75, wing 3 -6, tail 3 -5, tarsus 0*75.
The Plate represents an adult male o f this species, in two positions, o f the natural size.
[R. B. S.]