W .Hart deb eb lith .
P I E ^ iO K H M C m c r S
Mirdtrni Bros. imp.
Brown’s Flycatcher.
Monarcha (Piezorhynchus) broioni, Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882, p. 711.—Salvad. Orn. Papuasia, etc. in. App.
p. 531 (1 882).
T hough closely resembling P . brodiei in general appearance, this species may be distinguished by the longer
bill, the greater extent of white on the outer tail-feathers, and especially by the much greater extent o f black
on the throat, which reaches to the chest. T h e consequence of this is that the white patch on .the hinder
cheeks is entirely shut off from the white breast, whereas in P . brodiei the two join.
The only specimen o f P . browni that we have seen is the typical example from Marrabo, in the Solomon
Islands, o f which we give a description. We are indebted for the loan o f this example to the kindness o f our
friend Mr. E. P. Ramsay.
Adult male. General colour above blue-black; lesser wing-coverts like the back, those adjoining the g reater
series broadly tipped with w h ite ; median wing-coverts white, the outer ones black a t the b a se ; greater
coverts white, forming with the others a large wing-patch; bastard wing, primary-coverts, and quills black;
tail-feathers black, all but the two centre feathers tipped with white, increasing in extent greatly towards the
o utermost; lores, feathers below the eye, and ear-coverts black; fore p art o f cheeks also black, the hinder
cheeks white, extending in a large patch on to the sides o f the n e ck ; throat blue-black, the feathers scaly in
appearance; fore neck and chest also black, united by the black sides o f the neck and the m an tle;
breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts white, the feathers adjoining the black throat having black bases ;
thighs black; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, with black bases to the feathers; coverts near the edge
o f the wing black ; quills black below. Total length 7 inches, culmen 0 7, wing 3 -45, tail 3 #3, tarsus 0’85.
T he Plate represents the adult male above described, in two positions, of the size of life.
[R. B. S.]