Walter Imp.
Rufous-backed Gerygone.
Gerygone dorsalis, Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 199.
T h is is one of the most distinct species o f the genus Gerygone. The rufous colour o f the back, so markedly
in contrast with the grey head, is a character approached by none o f the other species of the genus.
Mr. Forbes, who discovered this new bird, sent a large series from Moloe Island in the Tenimber group:—
The following is a description of the typical specimen kindly lent to me by Dr. S c late r:—
Adult male. General colour rufous o r b a y ; the lesser and median wing-coverts like the back ; greater
series, bastard wing, and primary-coverts, as well as the quills, dusky brown, edged with rufous like the b a ck ;
tail-feathers light brown, margined with rufous, all but the centre feathers with a blackish shade before the
tips, which are pale brown ; near the end of the inner webs a white spot, which increases in extent towards
the outermost fea th e r; head dull ashy brown, contrasting with the b ack ; a spot of dusky white on the lores ;
ear-coverts light ashy brown as well as the sides o f the n e c k ; feathers below the eye, cheeks, and under
surface o f body white; the sides of the breast and flanks light rufous or b a y ; thighs also light rufous ; under
tail-coverts buify whitish ; under wing-coverts and axillaries yellowish white ; quills dusky below, yellowish
white along the inner web ; “ bill, legs, and feet black ; iris black ” ( H '. 0 . Forbes) . Total length 4 inches,
culmen 0 ’55, wing 2*1, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*8.
Adult female. Resembling the male in colour, but with the head a trifle duller. Wing 2*15 inches,
tarsus 0*85.
The Plate represents a male and female of this species, o f the natural size.
[R. B. S.]