'■ rr.VvSxl
.lA.G1E MOESTA.8 Sdoler.
Black-browed Caterpillar-catcher.
Lalage mcesta, Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 55. .
T he present species is one of the novelties discovered by M r. H. O. Forbes during bis expedition to
Timor laut. I t is intermediate in coloration between Lalage timoriensis of Timor, and L . pacifica and
L . terat, having the tail o f the first-named bird, but the wing-coverts patterned as in the last-named species :
from both of these, however, it may be distinguished by its pure white rump-band, and by the absence of a
white eyebrow. From L . timoriensis it may be told by the lesser wing-coverts being greenish-black like the
back ; but, like th at species, it has only two o f the outer tail-feathers tipped with white. In L . timoriensis,
also, there is a very distinct superciliary streak o f white, whereas in the present bird the white is confined
to a rath er broad streak above the lores.
The following is a description o f the typical specimens, which have been kindly lent to me by my
friend Dr. Sclater. They will be ultimately deposited in the British Museum.
Adult male. General colour above glossy greenish black, the feathers of the lower back with ashy grey
bases ; rump white ; the upper tail-coverts steel-black, tipped with white ; wing-coverts like the back, the
median and greater series with white spots a t the tip, forming a double wing-bar, the white endings to the
median series being much the broadest ; bastard wing and primary-covërts uniform black ; quills black, the
secondaries edged with white on the outer web, this white, however, not extending to the base of the feathers,
though it reaches to the tip o f the outer web o f the inner secondaries ; tail-feathers black with a steely gloss
on the margins, the two outer feathers with broad white ends, feathers in front o f the eye black, surmounted
by a white loral streak from the base of the nostrils to above the fore p art o f the eye; upper and lower
margin o f eyélid white ; ear-coverts white, black on the upper margin ; cheeks, sides o f the neck, and entire
under surface o f the body, as well as the thighs, under tail-coverts, under wing-coverts and axillaries, pure
white; quills black below, but with about half o f the inner web white, forming a large white patch on the
under surface of the quills. Total length 7 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 3*85, tail 3 0, tarsus 0-9.
The bird described is apparently an adult male. A female sent by Mr. Forbes differs in being less glossy
black above, and in having the rump-band more ashy white, the blackish subterminal markings, which are
concealed in the male, being ashy and more conspicuous in the female. The throat and chest are slightly
tinged with buff, and the lower series of under wing-coverts are white with blackish tips. These last two
characters may be the remains of immaturity. Total length 7 inches,, culmen 0 '5 5 , wing 3 7, tail 3*0,
tarsus 0'95.
T he figures in the Plate represent a pair of birds o f the natural size.
* - [R. B. S.]