^ Great Sandpiper.
>'iA< mciti* u/i n f<iu)4 in I*i « otVT"if*-SqT™rtbri,r ’2» I'ilS
This is one ot tin tew buds that I have Sot been able’ to obtain fojf rajs own collection; there are, however,
tW<? specimens in t(mfcA)Bntrv. one in the British Mnseuraspswhieh was obtained’ pn the north eoast of
Australia; the ^herppijob. was procured at Swau gretjr^ijfin ®e pejssession of the Hon. Charles Neville, a
gentleman much attached to ijaijind hititQi t * l t » t d E o f the most' emMy-Species o f the Ttrmgat, being
in sine folly-espial to the its foi m i^pr.ci: elv rliat o U ^ - l ^ ^ t 'O n cnmpari^i^with a bird
in till'. Museum o f the ^ a tl Indu^ Company, which has beetmjpacd Totama tenmroslris by- ray friend Dr.
bforsheld, I % d it tQ b$very nearly alKgdf'to that speeies_r ' '
Atj groat tjizi: has suggested the term magma which I h n eh^ipluid tij h ^ .u id t iefojlotyirig-isan accurate
description :jv>. -A,,-.
Crown oji-the head and the seek broyraishf g re y ^ p ^ f feather $itb a s t r i S S brown down (fe-i^ntre j
back and wipes brown, broadfy margined with brownish grey brow#; f t t s j iwhite,
each feather tipped with brown; tad b rawnisff|^ ?*fea the rs of the breast dark brown, with a crescent of
^ h e a t 'f h e extremity; abdomen and under tatf-ooverts w h i ^ i f ^ S n ig ^ a ^ w r f l i ' brown';’ fcjtl, feet and
irides olive.
The figure is o r the’ natural size.