B r o w n P lo v e r .
Charqdms veredus, February 22, 1848.
A specimen of this species was procured at Port E§smgton^by Mr. Gilbert, and a second has been sent to
me from Sydney by M r. Strange; these, and'one other example, areTall that have come under my observation;
infer that it is ja ^n Australia. J;ujg|4rf^ohi its structure and the
character o f its plumage, it woffld seem to be nearly allied to the restricted genus Eudromias or Dottrells :
I have however placed It in j|g&||g§f|g Charadrius, until a knowledge, of its habits, whether or not it
undergoes any periodical changes of plumage,gnMfif the specimens from which I have taken my figures be
perfectly adult, have beeri||scertained,
Crown o f the head and all the ;iipper surface brown, each feather np,riipWfly fringed with buff; primaries
blackish brown, the shaft of the first white; tail brdwfn,' narrowly edged with white, the brown colour gradually
fading as the feathers recede from the.centre-;-face, a broad stripe over the eye and the chin huffy
white ; sides and back of the neck and the breast huffy brown-; abdomen and under surface white; irides
■ ypiy dark brown; legs and feet brownish flesh-colour; ‘hill dark brown.
> The figures are o f tbe natural size.