^ J f J p S K b ille d G r e e n B i t t e r n .
Ardetta macrorkyncha, Gould in Proc. QfiZo^^So^f^eljriiaiY 2-SS, 1848.
T he more robust bill, larger head and greater size of this species will\at"AlT^ i t from Ardetta
stagnatilis and A. Jamaica. The only part of Australia from which it Has becnfr^^ived is the east coast.
I myself observed two individuals sittiug clpse to their flat nest on the branch of's^in^ngrove growing on
Garden Island near the mouth o f the Hunter. It inhabits the mangrove swamps, and assumes all the
habits and actions of the A. stagnatilis, and like that species feeds upon the crabs and'Ather crustaceans
which there abound.
. GrQwn o f the head and occipital crest black, with green reflexions; neck, all the upper surface and wing-
|gO$erts greenish olive; wing-coverts narrowly margined with deep rufous; primaries and Epaflislate-grev;
spurious wing, secondaries, and all but the three o r four external primaries with an irregular ti;ianga‘laf-
shaped spot at the l|p^ n |||9 the centra o f the throat^series of oblong marks* o f dark and white,
forming a conspicuous mottled stripe, confiiyi'ld dn to the breast, where it' is lost in the mingledgrey and
buffy brown of I h f f i p p e i f mandihledark reddish brown; basal portion of the lower one oil-green 5
tibiae and hinder part o f the tar§b]brigji t^Mpw; remainder of\the legs and feet.yelfpyi^hlbi’own.
The Plate represents tl^^pjo sexes o f the size of life.