A Pl^/RYX O WEN 11, Gould.
^ O w e n ’s - A p t e r y x ^ '. ?
Apteryx ;Soc., Part X V i 0 ^ .
W^ W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f e ^ 8Cie' ^ ^ EteryX “ an eviden“ that our knowledge o f the natural production*
farther proof that such isbtlie case, I may mention that
H w S H 1 1 1 l£*lC Tfiiywjylyv^ 1 j> I tTfjIl ( icfS[rt I third and much larger species of
j Allans .»Sp nlMiM./ i t th^ *>i utbirtimi Mnldl Ma^nd" it I »1 tip m alei^yluj^tcjoiMlly visit th>se shores
jf f i j j y .h ikijiJ 5 ^hrrdfi si B jjflff? “nowiisro, ’In m h\ ilFii iiwpfiPih. iinm u i, n d is said to be about three
n favoured by Mr?fl'il<(iii^fcl^su[fljffliscavith ibi-,ipan of an enormous egg,
Lt ul 1,1 lU)Kt.lVeouiinon '-gr« i c .ujnVpipiyx ; and although it is
jilVP'ibU that it in ly l;clmiL^ii^aQnH?jt^ j n it Inin I that mu h is ud|Sfie case, and that
mui myri^kclv rp.hoiubi igg ul Mn^jjguiyr «nth i hub wiruviiiiaupiiiiitid-
:..v Jht -High1 ^MM ii^ n ^truna 1 whit if m\<lyii^Kts'"ta)ien w a s 's ||| |p me Strange ofiSydfey;
nnfortun ije h u «as Jmacemmj^ffil'by T ^ i u J j ^ t i o '^ 'I f tormed p ir y jf ^ Miialfeolfeetion of New Zealand
birds,imufigni «huh of, the j-Juiiil£jjhV had beei^riVmed*'«asfiimerr.un, I have some reason to believe
[that rhi'y-wer^ftaiB^the^ftiith Island-,.
*■'_ It is rendt red c o n ^ i g o u | | y r i nl J p u n a ^ ^ AuslmlUiavith which ft utcorcb in ize, by the irregular
transverse barring of the rjlljrr plijm ig< whu li, togetlu r with its extremt d( nsitj and hair-like appearances,
givi y it more ibi ri ( mblance uf a mammal than of a bird ; it has also a shorter, more slender and more
■ curved b ill; an^pjic feathers diflhr/;ani«tructiirc^J^m^ bro idir throughout espu i illy at the tip, and
otripIjn-f decomposed and h u r like wsturi ,-^ s
j^ jth n e chare laiirift this nyv -.pi git sounder the iiuuio ol f/it-n/i (H.nn li d iu g^ jlje d that it can only
a just u>i^yti|MMi^to IVofr-ernr^tlivcn,1 who has so ably invcstlgated^the"remains of the?
extinct birds of New Zealand.
and n^l^doTl\VC 11 owish brown throat somewhat paler; all the urcnlr surface transversely
'tayei^Tsij^ blackish browaj and'sfulv.ousotcach individi^fegt^Tabj-jntiSifi.i.rt broanaiit the base, darker
bio« a lh j s ,n i« y h , i lp (1 cruised; by a Ignat tmirlcof f a lv o u sW w h ^ ^ ^ f e a s a n irregular mark of black,
and teruno-itid, -yy.lti^Uous; under surface pp^erddlajmbe upper, i insodfliiLC"«h fruher being erossed.by
three raysof.J^fjg|p. inste id of two, uidfuiortlaru Ivtipi;! tl syitL th it < olnui > the furthers o f the thighs
resembW.ti OSL ol thjo [^1 jh lllrM howish horn-Cohn]l- Vfin t*mil claws fleshy brown.
The figure is of'che natural size.