L E S S E E KJE S T R I t ,
Falco tiniiiuicuIoides./C4^zKi^/
K h X jRL iK; M.J
i;||i|| ih "Liit; coinin' of ' the1wuls, and ibe et#re absei
si) elio^c^ la plamagc wit|i ^ie: fiBtnale of
w»saai|f <$>; iotrodtiee a ftsfufe a t her tisiio o|sr Place,
. iHtcll'R?iJ*iii8- the characteristics ©f the sj^ecuiS'.« yiz. infci
:i^i‘ii:i!i;c;i /j-k she may at once W idiaiitTierf, As I
| | ^»«wh yaiM^' tesLis- cowai
P S ^ i i tw i l-lidv.- nwlifttiiR •S'f'H.d'i of Frttacej frequenting
*'•.«#•. il*n. .srtwiL.dftjjftm •' suck. iituatHMiif f
^ i|t ; idw- V0 k i | «v l | | f | layiutt ft»««* e-ggs, very
(i pk’ociaint 4 %!»»«“ t3iat of gj^ir more d
>: wdrii to cmfiti? *;&© an analysis of ejciattng ge
to wigg**t a# inquiry to those who arc more j
the«! be not room ior a farther removal of 1
ypa’^'species which cobJ|1oS© the Genm; Falcc
L - ’-¡¡he ti.?i*r«3»tf.<iS* i-:!-'?* B'euCs'a,. (A itw ck'aA ■ ¿'see
$§fj| vtiafeniif'K iitore i*etw*efrihe
di&fPOt&SWf,. 4:- :
fteSt' ji'snr-.iiftf '¡»if ;4i
S|| su, ■'•Si'i =* iU V,i«iu & m
r fityfis? ubL'e;v iRehe*
;^»rfece, with theV-mirtlf
•c?imp of (I brownish red without any coavU
i which is crossed with a hfaeh haawl, ftiwt ',
sar brows red, third? ismiafefct wW# -.»ufawl
> w : Kails 1