H A V E O W L .
S u rm a funerea; iDummdJ.
S trix funerea.; / Gmd:).
S u rn ia fu n e re a , D u w ^ n l , .,
Si,fix funerea, Gmei.
Le Ckouette eaparacoeii.
fj|* genus Surnia, a genus established by M. Dumeril for the reception of
1ih% fralwnidd} in habrte, «nannem, and general structure, the Hawk Owl,
p iimm: of thè most typical- I t possesses an aìtnoet wnfl united range of habits*
regions of both continents, and is not' unfrequenfciy seen in (jermany
5; ¡ìiMi'fe^ér, is on record of its having been seen in the British Islands, which
«■■. fife«1: KÌri!" ftiKMvy Owl, its most yearly allied relative, has been so frequently
■;!%&ifcii iiiurfi epecieK* the-Hawk Owl is eddowed with the tacuity of
isdit i t i g l i - ‘dsér, lìli biSfit durine dui? whither and long before sun-set in the
fiance, § Ì Ì Ì Ì f S I M; |$i Ut-n: consider»*! as « feeder by day, in connexion
jgarded, together with <0$ forming the passage between1
and the true nocturnal Owis on the, other.
»¡«tin» vrc jiHB: obtain, it builds id trees, ami lays hro white eggs. Slillliil IIliS|m'rrri A «I N8U 1 1i ftfl & gpr•r yifch■ wS■■t1e H, piortly jótyfe&l by
li § ìÉi^K fliljfi 1$ fk'Plih^, thè sbafi
¿Atóti *$!' thtf iHSÌUHE'ài SiWtt;