E A S T E R N G # 11.4 T H O R N E D O W L
J5íi í,í;.i Jú'ííJlilüij.líliUS. I
■ Ijfc* A¡vQ®Iaphiis.-
l’«i* fi»e specscs of horned Owl would appear *!:• hi- «fee tcmikemtts pKWtiol« of Asia a«d Africa, the
Bufo mammw oí Nprway, Rossia* Ste. 5 and ffiUt(Bufc)') Bengaknm df our “ Century
of Birds’* must rank as synonymous, with the ¡> ^wwd;?*.'. :fn •¿KpfsqfP' eastern and «ppfcliern porción*
appear to be the only parts visited'by the Bufo BscafapAwti, M. gm»# aa¡¡. Sardi-tua as places
in whirh it has been observed.
Of the habits and manners of this species nothing has been plami ou record, nor are we able to afford any
inior/iuitio« 0» the subject.. Specimens have bee» sent to the Zoological Society by Sir Thomas Readc from
’filínás» -teiii ;t individual formed a part of the collection made during the kite expedition to the Euphrates.-
I‘h^í--As os ife?;! iapioi disk buffy white terminated with black 5. crown of the head dark brovyn, each leather
fend terroioafeed wrtli bnffV whiter, feathers.surrounding the íecl »jeep buff, becoming t der
rip:. icrfd «p’’uíi-i»a iiffiq^dar unark of diw»k, hW'» down (the centre; the'r-cSMMK}«r c*f thp npppr stirfacé»,
wingi and i ail dark b'iowttv febWWWíií b»ff, pife half pmii Ijí'-í^'A ¡¡: the snider
ssiríace deep bw(jl.;;!^4 t«u ite! c e a te o f rh^ u'vk.ei<u iwifetg iratsicfe g*Sm «it'd f w h f e H r.wil Sne
and irregfelar i# th«¡¡r- djctreHri^éá ¡ feathers of fchü kg* dei?p bisff, i?ni«;h'|wkr 0
feofet -aid |Í ¡ I I I Hue?# • MH and daws binck..
We fettve i«-i; té'«)5h mate <tcariy of the oatarai íw , from # specimen forwarded to m 'ky -a, Tenx-
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