Dodo, Bontekoe’s notice o f,.............................. 57, 63
colour of its plumage,................................... 64
—■— osteology of its cranium............................ 71
its differences from Vulturidse,. . . . . 75,108,112
— :---------- from Insessores,........................... ’ 76
------------------- from Basores,............... 76,108,112
from other Columbidse, 44, 97
osteology of its foot,..................................... 100
Dronte, see Dodo.
etymology o f ,........................................... 16
Edwards, his account of the picture in the British
Museum, ............................ 28
Evidences, historical, of the Dodo,...................... 8
— — negative, of the Dodo, ......................... 27
------------pictorial, of the Dodo,....................... 29
■ --------anatomical, of the Dodo,............................. 31
1 of the Solitaire,.................................... 46
■of brevipennate birds in Bourbon 57
---------------------------------- — in Madagascar, .. 61
:— summary o f ,......................................... 61
Flacourt’s account of Madagascar,......................... 61
Foot of Dodo, osteology o f,................................... 100
Solitaire, osteology of, ............................. 115
Forges, see Hubert.
Fresnaye, La, his opinion on the Dodo, 37
Gama, Yasco de, not the discoverer of Mauritius, . 8
“ Geans ” of Leguat,......................................... 60 64
Gelinottes, Leguat’s account of,............................... 55
Geographical distribution of organic groups, 3
Gnatkodon, see Didunculm.
Gottorf Museum, Dodo’s head in , 25, 33,45
Gould, his opinion on the Dodo, ...................... 37
------------------------Didunculus,......... 40, 65, 97
Gray, J. E., his opinion on the Dodo,.................. 37
Hague, picture of Dodo a t ,................................... 29
Hagen, Yan der, voyage o f ,................................... 17
Hamel, Dr., his treatise on the Dodo, ............ 64
Harmansen, voyage of,........................................... 13
Harry, voyage of,................ gg
Heemskerk, voyage of,........................................... 13
Hen, a, Herbert’s figure o f ,................................... 21
Herbert, voyage of, ............................................... ] 9'
his allusion to the Solitaire, ............. 50
Higgin, Mr., his visit to Rodriguez,..................... 50
Hubert, his notice of a Dodo’s leg, ...................... 25
Humming Birds, confined to America, 3
Hyde, his notice of the Tradescantian Dodo, 23
Imperfection cannot be asserted of any organism, . 34
Indian Ocean, islands o f,....................................... 4
—- -----------map o f,.............................................. g
Inferior facet of Dodo’s skull, ............................... 79
I Interorbital septum, its homologies, 87
Introduction to Part I . .*>............ 3
Introduction to Part I I . ........................ 69
Kelly, Capt., his visit to Rodriguez, ............... 52
Lachrymal bone, its homologies,.................... .87
Lateral facet of Dodo’s Skull, .......... 79
Leguat, voyage o f,........................................... 46
Le Monnier, a better astronomer than ornithologist, 64
Lestrange, his account of a living Dodo, ........ 22
Llhwyd, his notice of the Tradescantian Dodo, . . . 23
London, picture of Dodo at, ............................ ... 28
Madagascar, supposed brevipennate birds in, . . . . 61
Man, agency of, in hastening the death of species,, 3
Mandible, upper, of Dodo, ............................... 90
lower, of Dodo,............................. 95
Matelief, voyage o f ,.................................... 17
Mauritius, first discovered by Mascaregnas, 8
------------ visited by Yan Neck,............................ 9
--------------------- by Heemskerk, .......................... 13
---------------------by West-Zanen, ...................... 13
— by Matelief, ...................... 17
• by Yan der Hagen,.................. 17
---------------------by Yerhuffen, ............................ 17
—------------------ by Yan den Broecke,..................: 18
---------------------by Herbert,....................... 19
---------------------by Cauche,.................................. 21
---------------------by Harry, .. 26
---------------- ;— by Leguat,................................. 27
--- colonized by the Dutch,................................... 27
------------------------by the French,........................ 27
Melville, Dr., on the Osteology of the Dodo and
Solitaire, .............................. 67
Metatarsus of Dodo, ................... ;........... 101
■ ------------ of Pigeons,...................................... 106
Nazareth, island o f,........................................... 21, 64
Neck, C. Van, voyage o f,........................ 9
New Zealand, analogy of its fauna to that of the
Mauritian islands, ..................................... 61
Oiseaux bleus of Bourbon described, .................... 59
Olearius, his notice of a Dodo’s head, .. .......... 25
Organs of certain species permanently undeveloped, 33
Osteology of the Dodo, ......................................... 71
--------------------Solitaire, ..................................... 113
Owen, Professor, his account of R. Savery’s picture, 29
------------------ his opinion on the Dodo, .. 38, 65, 70
Oxford, state of sciehoe in, in 1755,..................... 32
■ picture of Douo a t,................................ 31
Palatine bones of Dodo........................................ . 93
Penguins remote from Bidme,............................... 1 35
Pezophaps, proposed generic name for Solitaire, .. 54
Picture of Dodo at London,................................... 28
Picture of Dodo at the Hague,.............................. 29
■ Berlin,...................................... 30
— ■ Vienna,............'........................ 30
------—- Oxford, ...................................... 31
Pigeons, their affinity to the Dodo, .. 39,41, 54, 65,72
— some species lay one egg,....................... 54
— comparative osteology of, 97,106, 111
Pingré, his visit to Rodriguez,.............................. 64
Piso, his account of the Dodo, ............................ 23
Plovers remote from Pigeons,.......................... 122
Posterior facet of Dodo’s skull,............................ 76
Pterygoid bone of Dodo,........................ ; ............ 94
Raptores remote from Bidirue,................ 41,108 112
Rasores remote from Bidirue,.................. 76, 108, 112
Reinhardt, his opinion on the Dodo,.................... 40
Representation in Zoology, .......................... 46
Rodriguez visited by Leguat,................................ 46
---------------------by Mr. Higgin, , .............. 50
—-------- - bones found in,. . . . . . •................ 51
------------visited by Col. Dawkins,....................... 51
------------------------ Pingré,.................................. 64
Savery, J., his picture of the Dodo,...................... 31
Savery R., his pictures of the Dodo, 29, 64
Size, unimportant in classification, 39, 69
Skull of the Dodo, osteology of, 69, 76
— -------— Solitaire, osteology of,........................ 113
Soldt, Paul van, his Journal,................................ 64
Solitaire of Bourbon, Tatton’s account o f, 57
------------------------ Bontekoe’s account o f , 57
------------------------ Carré’s account o f , 5 8
: Sieur D. B.’s account of, 58
------------------------- Billiard’s account of, ............ 60
------------------------ negative evidence respecting,. 60
Solitaire of Rodriguez, evidences respecting, 46
--------------- ---------Leguat’s account o f, 47
. ■ ' • — ------------Herbert’s allusion t o , 50
—------------------ — negative evidence respecting, 51
Solitaire of Rodriguez, bones of, in Paris Museum, 52, 53
in Andersonian Museum,
---------------------------------------------- 25
----------------------------- given to Zoological
Society,........................................................ 52
-------------------------------where to seek for
them,........................................................ 52, 65
------------------------ affinities of, to the Dodo,. 54,119
------------------------ intended for a constellation 64
--------------------- — osteology o f ,.................... . 113
Solitary Thrush, a constellation, ...................... 64
Species, extinction of, by human agency,.......... 5
Sternum of Solitaire,........................................ . 114
Struthious birds remote from Bidirue,.............. 35
Succession, chronological, of organized beings, . 3
Superior facet of Dodo’s skull,.......................... 83
Tarsus absent in Birds,.................................... . 101
Tatton, his account of Bourbon,........................
Telfair, Mr., his researches,.............................. 51
Toes of Dodo, .............................................. 102,109
Tradescant, his notice of a stuffed Dodo,.......... 23
Translations of foreign extracts,........................ 123
Tympanic bone of Dodo,.................................. 94
Types of structure in creation,.......................... 34, 69
Yan Neck, see Neck.
Yerhuffen, voyage o f,........................................ 17
Yerkens, journalist of Verhuffen’s voyage,........ 64
Vertebrse, cranial, opinions respecting, ............ 87
Vienna, picture of Dodo at, .............................
Vigors, his opinion on the Dodo,...................... 36
Vouron patra of Madagascar,...................... . 61
Vultures remote from Bidirue, .............. 41, 108, 112
Walckvogel, a name for Dodos,........................ 9
West-Zanen, voyage o f ,.................................... 13
Willughby, his notice of the Tradescantian Dodo 23